Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Trophies Return for a Brawl

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.09.2007 12

The first update this week on the Official Smash Bros. website reveals the re-addition of trophies to add to your collecting ways!

What are trophies? These are solid objects that appear as prizes and offer explanations of characters! You can check out the poses and learn the background of a variety of characters.

Characters in solid form, complete with explanations!

You can view them from a variety of angles. You're going to get a lot of these, so we've added images of them to the list to make them easier to identify.

You can arrange them by series.

Take a look at these, for example, if you want to learn more about a character you saw in the background in Smash. Or when your interest in a particular character's back story has been piqued and you want to learn more about them.

Having trophies that explain your characters is quite useful. And, in a bonus mode, you can even create something like this.


Choose several trophies and place them however you like!

You can even change the background. It's all up to you. Since we've gone to the trouble of gathering all these universes together, I hope you'll enjoy gaining a deeper understanding of these characters. It's with that intent that we're all working so hard.

Be sure to stick around for updates...

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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Nice option to play around with and organize in your own way, I like it. Ooccoo still creaps me out, ditch him and bring Tingle into the game with exploading balloons I say.

Good news, I always liked the trophies which was are a great source of information on Nintendo related things.

I wonder how much trophies there will be? Melee had a dick load.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

I imagine there'll be an equal amount to Melee at least, and some third party things chucked in just for fun.

Aye, definitely - they'll probably be quite a few. I can imagine Nintendo spending a shite load of time on modeling these trophies.

Love the way you can arrange and sort your collection. Definitely looking forward to it Smilie

Wi-Fi trading anyone?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Nice option to play around with and organize in your own way, I like it. Ooccoo still creaps me out, ditch him and bring Tingle into the game with exploading balloons I say.

Woah! I haven't played TP yet and I was so surprised to see that... thing. Not the character design I would expect from zelda, looks pretty cool though.

iCAME said:
Nice option to play around with and organize in your own way, I like it. Ooccoo still creaps me out, ditch him and bring Tingle into the game with exploading balloons I say.
Woah! I havent played TP yet and I was so surprised to see that... thing. Not the character design I would expect from zelda, looks pretty cool though.

Well wait untill you hear the noise it makes and not to mention how they sneek up on you flyingSmilie

Mmmmmmmmm... Trophies!

I like how it also keeps track of how many of each object you've collected, too. - Where making games is fun!

Good to see they're back. Better than stickers if you ask me.

Also, each time we see a new trophy that doesn't show us a new model we can cross them off the character list! Smilie

That means Ooccoo, Slippy, Bulborb & WW Tingle aren't playable.

But it's gotten me thinking, I wouldn't mind if Tingle was playable (Smilie) & I think there's still hope for Olimar.

I wanted to play as Slippy though ;-(

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Cool. I juts hope it doesn't get too collect-ish when combined with the stickers...

But i'm sure it won't

Excellent, I was worried that they might have been replaced by stickers. Smilie
Loved collecting and reading trophies in Melee.

Fo fanana bana-rama! Xananab's even in there as a trophy (he's from the DS King of Swing game). Bananaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Most superlative.

( Edited on 25.09.2007 01:04 by Rinx )

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