Nintendo DS Media | EXIT Comes to DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.09.2007 5

Footage from the PSP to DS game, EXIT as the funky Mr. ESC tries to...escape as he runs, jumps, climbs and swims his way to victory.

Thanks to Linkyshinks for the tip.

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All while it heads to the 360 live arcade for about

knighty said:
All while it heads to the 360 live arcade for about

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Wow, that had to be BRUTAL on the psp, w/o any kind of touch interface. Looks alright though I guess.

I have the PSP version (it cost me about $10AuD on clearance). I couldn't get in to it. I can't sing its praises. I don't even particularly like the style of animation.

Temporarily banned until further notice.

ehm... yeah, looks not bad: One Lemming to push to exit. Not bad. But 40 EUR for this...? I hope it won't be that expensive... I would buy it on Wiiware! For 7 EUR.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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