News | Weekly Round-Up: 16.09.2007 - 23.09.2007

By Cubed3 Autobot 23.09.2007

Welcome to the weekly C3 round-up (16.09.2007 - 23.09.2007), a collection of news and updates posted this week in world of Nintendo and video games.

General News

Resident Evil Producer Admires Wii Fit
After casting a whole horde of devious zombie creatures onto the world, Resident Evil producer Masachika Kawata recently had positive words on Nintendo's upcoming Wii fit board.

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Babes and Gore Come to Wii
D3 Publisher has revealed at this year's Tokyo Games Show that 3D action game 'Oneechanbara R' is coming Nintendo's Wii next year.

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SNK Bring Games to Wii/DS and Virtual Console
SNK have announced a handful of new and old titles making their way to Nintendo DS, Wii and the Virtual Console service including the already announced Metal Slug 7, Samurai Showdown and King of Fighters.

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More Details on Kingdom Hearts DS
Square Enix have issued a press release with a few tidbits of information on the upcoming DS entry into the Kingdom Hearts franchise, 358/2 Days.

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Microsoft Exclusive RPG Comes to DS!
Quick News - Mistwalker's console exclusive for the Microsoft Xbox 360 is now reportedly coming to the Nintendo DS. Blue Dragon, from the father of Final Fantasy, will now appear in handheld format, but the style of the game is unknown.

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Wii Zapper and Link's Crossbow Training Detailed
Nintendo have released some new tidbits of information on the upcoming Wii Zapper bundle, including the first gameplay details of Link's Crossbow Training as players take hold of their Wii Zapper for some fun and games in Hyrule.

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Sony PSP Overtakes Nintendo DS!
With Square Enix releasing Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII last week, alongside 77,777 limited edition PSP systems, Sony has managed to leapfrog Nintendo for the first time in a long time in the hardware stakes. However, combined sales of the new Pok

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