Nintendo DS Media | Metal Slug 7 TGS Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.09.2007 8

SNK have released a swanky teaser trailer for the upcoming Metal Slug 7 for DS, bringing classic side-scrolling action for players who like to bang on the move.

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Well...looks just like a typical Metal Slug game, which is great news for me as I love the series! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Metal slug pwnz, hopfully it's online with coop.

'bringing classic side-scrolling action for players who like to bang on the move'

...yeah, I too thought that was a little odd for a news title....

Bout time Metal Slug was on the DS. Potential to be GREAT!

Reports state that the early footage was really early and perhaps it was using an old MS build rather than the final MS7 game itself. There are currently no touch-screen controls, for instance, and the top screen was a debug map or something...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

With this and Contra 4 it seems side scrolling shooter fans will be well catered for.

After completing everything on Metal slug anthology Ive gotten a bit bored of the series, They really should put the DS's features to good use some how if they want my money.
Im glad to see that they have kept the same graphical style once again though. Metal Slug has the best graphics in any video game ever made.

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