Nintendo Wii Media | Mario & Sonic Update

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.09.2007 26

Sega has released a funky new trailer for the upcoming Nintendo-exclusive Olympics game featuring some of the best Mobians and Mushroom Kingdom inhabitants going head to head.

Confirmed Events

  • 100m Dash
  • 100m Hurdles
  • Triple Jump
  • Hammer Throw
  • Archery
  • High Jump
  • Javelin
  • Swimming
  • Table Tennis

    Confirmed Characters

    Team Mario
    Team Sonic
    Dr. Robotnik/Eggman

    Thanks to N-Europe, Darkspine S for the tip.

  • Box art for Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games








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    Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (12 Votes)

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    & we will finally find out who is faster, Sonic or Mario!?


    Great trailer, shame Shadow has to be all emo next to the closet straight Luigi. Shadow ruins Luigi's style. But yeah, they can't keep making Mario run as fast as Sonic.

    Oh yeah, & when I saw Yoshi & Tails playing table tennis together, me & my bro simultaniously screamed like fangirls. Smilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Wait... Why is Amy doing the high jump, surely you'd use Tails Smilie

    And why'd they have to ruin it with fake Sonic characters like Shadow and Blaze... ;-;

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    Well... Tails is a technical character, & Amy is all around. Also she's a girl, so she'll be marketed doing the not-as-manly-as-the-other-things... things. Or something.

    Also, don't diss Blaze, she's 100 times more Sonic character than Shadow or Silver will ever be!

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Did you see the stares Tail and Yoshi gave? They're gonna beat the crap out of each other after the game.

    No, they're gonna become best mates & star in a game together. Why is everyone so negative about life? Y'know if I was a psycologist I bet I could easily work out why our society is so mucked up. Smilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    That looks alright, need to see some game footage before i make my mind up!

    I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

    Looks real dumb, just like most Olympic-themed games. Also, the stadium doesn't look anything like the one in Beijing...

    Of course, that's just an opinion.

    You know, that doesn't look quite as bollocks as I thought it would. In fact, that movie was pretty sexy. All the characters look... good.

    Less posty, more gamey.

    artmonkey said:
    You know, that doesnt look quite as bollocks as I thought it would. In fact, that movie was pretty sexy. All the characters look... good.

    Same here. To be honest, I wasn't even going to consider the game before. It seemed to me just a lame tie in, but it doesn't look half bad. Will be one to consider.

    SuperLink said:
    Also, dont diss Blaze, shes 100 times more Sonic character than Shadow or Silver will ever be!

    Indeed, I quite like Blaze. She's one of the only new characters I do like...

    I really don't know whether this game is gonna be awesome or not...I think it might be. That trailer certainly rocked. Yoshi VS Tails was definately a highlight. Smilie

    Could be decent...probably not though.

    Shadow and Blaze are the only extra Sonic characters I actually think were worth creating. As long as Silver stays away, I'll be happy.Smilie

    I think it actually looks rather good to be honest. Althought the Sonic characters are pretty shite in comparison to the mushroom kingdom characters.

    Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

    Has anyone noticed Espio standing near Knuckles

    Nope, that was Amy I think.

    Less clone character's on Sonic's side than on Mario's side, so THARE.

    I think it looks good, but I like Sonic stuff, & this makes me squeal like a fangirl.

    Blaze is probably the best Sonic character since Chaotix if you ask me. Shadow & Silver r teh laym. Gamma was cool, but he died Smilie Omega sucks more than... Anti-Birdos, & Rouge & Cream aren't bad, but not great either.

    The Australian Racoon (Marine) rules. Smilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Shadow's alright if you ask me. I just wish the character had more than that bloody 'Maria' story to fall back on.

    SuperLink said:
    Nope, that was Amy I think.Less clone characters on Sonics side than on Marios side, so THARE.I think it looks good, but I like Sonic stuff, & this makes me squeal like a fangirl.Blaze is probably the best Sonic character since Chaotix if you ask me. Shadow & Silver r teh laym. Gamma was cool, but he died Smilie Omega sucks more than... Anti-Birdos, & Rouge & Cream arent bad, but not great either.The Australian Racoon (Marine) rules. Smilie

    Yeah my bad that was Amy next to EspioSmilie I'm pretty much board with most of the Sonic characters except Classic Metal sonic. Can anyone tell me what happen to Sonic's robo GrandpaSmilie

    J Tangle said:
    Yeah my bad that was Amy next to EspioSmilie Im pretty much board with most of the Sonic characters except Classic Metal sonic. Can anyone tell me what happen to Sonics robo GrandpaSmilie
    Sonic's Uncle Chuck isn't a SEGA character, he's a character used in the liscenced cartoons & comics.

    Shadow's alright, I just wish they'd let him die like a hero, rather than bring him back with a stupid attitude.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    ...come to think of it, has any Sonic character died? Ever?

    Emerl, Sonic, Tikal (sort of)

    & Chris from Sonic X. It's in so many fanfics it may aswell be fact. HOORAY!

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Oh yeah.
    The makers should knock off Vector the Crocodile next, I mean, what the hell?

    Or better yet, get rid of the guy who's job it is to add a new character to each Sonic game. Smilie

    Yeah, they should stop making new Sonic characters.

    But Vector is awesome. Coolest Chaotix IMO XD

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Nah, I like Mighty best. Should've been in Sonic Heroes.Smilie

    Noone knows why Ray & Mighty seem to have disappeared. A lot of people reckon the guy who holds their rights doesn't work at SEGA anymore, or something along those lines. Others just believe Mighty went to travel the world with Ray, because they were friends & Mighty loved to travel.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Mighty was in Sonic the Comic not long before it was discontinued, as far as I can remember anyway.
    And who the Hell is Ray?

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