Nintendo Wii News | Capcom Brings Camelot Project to US

By Adam Riley 15.09.2007 5

Following the announcement of We Love Golf! for Japan, Capcom has confirmed that it will also publish the Camelot-developed Wii project over in the US next year. For those unaware, Camelot has previously worked on the Hot Shots Golf series for Sony and Mario Golf for Nintendo, as well as the online PC golf title 'I Love Golf', which was never actually released.

The game includes single player and up to four-player head-to-head competitions and requires players to deal with real-life physics as you play across the fairway, with players having to factor in the wind speed and direction and choose the appropriate clubs for the relevant situation. There will be Telecast-like presentations that let players see their shots in the air or approaching the hole, and there will also be multiple game modes from the likes of tournament, training, special mini-game style challenges and much more. Sadly there has been no mention of online play and the recently revealed Japanese box art had no sign of the Wi-Fi logo either. However, the more you the game, the more you can unlock, with new playable characters, multiple new courses with unique obstacles, and dozens of accessories, costumes and clubs to tailor the game's look and feel.

"Camelot's pedigree in this genre, coupled with Capcom's creative expertise, is a virtual hole in one. Combining an already great game concept with the exciting innovations possible on the Wii is a winning formula for an amazing experience for gaming and golfing fans."
- Nique Fajors, Vice President of Marketing, Capcom Entertainment.

Stay tuned for further updates...

Box art for We Love Golf








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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date Q4 2007   Australian release date TBA   

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This sounds like one of the very few golf games that I could get interested in.

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Great it's not like I have any intentention of getting the dull version of Tiger 08 on Wii but I do still want a really good Golf game with motion controls. I am glad it's coming to the U.S hopefully to follow here soon after if it's good.{LS]

I'm a Camelot whore so I'll definitely check this out.

If the past is anything to go by, Nintendo will probably work with Capcom to distribute the game across Europe as well.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

...And stick in Mario for a laugh.:Smilie#

Seriously though, this should be a top quality title. At least, I hope so.

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