Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Special Brawl

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.09.2007 13

The custom battle settings from Smash Bros. Melee (GC) make a welcome return in today's Official Brawl Update, but now allowing players to apply a variety of different rules at the same time.

What is Special Brawl?!

This is a mode that lets you apply special rules to normal brawls to customize your favorite ways to play!

As you can see, you can apply a variety of rules at the same time. Before, you could only choose one, like Giant Melee, so this is a pretty cool step forward.

When you do this, you apply that characteristic from the start of the match to the end.

You can see the effects on the side of the screen, which is kind of fun. And getting the caption up above is also nice.

Be sure to stick around for your daily dose of Smash Bros. Brawl...

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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Love this mode. Being able to customize things is always fun.

games don't have anywhere near enough customisation these days. I wish they'd do everything but let us rip apart the code tbh Smilie

Looking pretty swish, I reckon.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Duffman ~~~~~~~~~
"If you make yourself really small, you can externalize virtually everything", Daniel Dennett

Am I the only one not looking forward to this game?

I just always found the arena's too small and the action too fast. Also no fatalaties doesn't help either.

Nope, Mortal Kombat 2 is still my beat em up of choice.

Great that they are still allowing plenty of customization. I don't see Camera Mode there though, perhaps thats somewhere else. I do hope its included though, while not hugely important, the camera mode was good fun.

Am I the only one not looking forward to this game?

Yes. Smilie

russraine said:
Also no fatalaties doesn't help either.

You just lost all right to an opinion there.

Having said that, I just didn't click with the last Smash Bros. Rented it, but I think I just didn't have time to figure out the 'rules'. Will probably try again this time.

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

This level of customization is excellent, it's never a bad thing. This along with the music track selection is brilliant. With every update this game continues to look better and better, I really think Nintendo should start having similar sites for the big titles pronto. Metroid Prime 3 had a disgraceful ad campaign, it should never be the case with such a title.[LS]


russraine said:
Also no fatalaties doesnt help either.

:lolSmilieid you evn check the Smash Bros. website? Did you ever hear of the charcters' "Final Smash" moves?

Anyway, it would have been nice if they could have a "Random" setting for some of the settings...

( Edited on 13.09.2007 15:58 by PK Mongoose )

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Awesome, very nice. Now you can change the health percent in stamina, glad they put that in there. I can just imagine the chaotic fun to be had now that this is in it!Smilie

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

TheEvilShyGuy said:
Awesome, very nice. Now you can change the health percent in stamina, glad they put that in there. I can just imagine the chaotic fun to be had now that this is in it!Smilie
It doesn't say that anywhere >.< infact, I'm still worried it won't be changable! Smilie

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SuperLink said:
It doesnt say that anywhere >.< infact, Im still worried it wont be changable! Smilie
Well, the fact it used to be 150% and that it there says 300%, kinda makes me hope it'll be changeable. If it isn't, I will be a little disappointed, but it still is better than 150%.

( Edited on 13.09.2007 16:17 by TheEvilShyGuy )

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

TheEvilShyGuy said:
SuperLink said:It doesnt say that anywhere >.< infact, Im still worried it wont be changable! Smilie
Well, the fact it used to be 150% and that it there says 300%, kinda makes me hope itll be changeable. If it isnt, I will be a little disappointed, but it still is better than 150%.( Edited on 13.09.2007 16:17 by TheEvilShyGuy )

Actually I think melee's stamina is 100%Smilie, but seeing that 150% makes me think that it will be changable. The 300% seems to be for your characters weight percentage like in sudden death mode. I love how detailed the metal mode looks nowSmilie

Edit: Wait I just checked it's 150%

( Edited on 13.09.2007 16:33 by J Tangle )

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is allSmilieSmilie

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