A selection of fire-filled videos for the upcoming Spyro adventure reveal the purple wonder doing his thing once more on Wii.
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By Jorge Ba-oh 13.09.2007
A selection of fire-filled videos for the upcoming Spyro adventure reveal the purple wonder doing his thing once more on Wii.
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(1 Votes)
I almost peed my pants! Elijah Wood? Why have Mr. Hobbit play Spyro? Man, they have made some serious changes to the Spyro series ever since the first one. Its like all the classic Playstation titles are getting f-ed up. First Rayman, then Crash, and now Spyro. Wow, how the world is changing.
And these enemy names, could they be any less original? They look like names for Yu_Gi_Oh! And the whole "Mastering the Elements" thing, it sounds like they're mimicking...well...I'd sound like a child saying what I was thinking...
( Edited on 13.09.2007 02:32 by PK Mongoose )
OK, I know the two last-gen Spyro games (Enter the Dragon and Hero's Tail) didn't exactly live up to the expectations set by the original, but this is just dumb. Why inflate the budget by hiring Elijah Wood for a me-too brawler rather than spending the money on developing, and then tuning to perfection as Miyamoto would, a great platformer?
OK, so Universal probably wanted the game out this year, but still.