Nintendo News | Majesco Brings Eco-Conscious Game to DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.09.2007 3

Ever fancied a game that aims to do its bit for the environment? Majesco have announced an eco-conscious game for the DS a real-time strategy seeing players guide units of critters to help save their forest.

Players will tackle issues like pollution, industrialization, and global warming. There are three different animal types: Ecolis, Ecoby and Ecomon, to command through 40 missions. Throughout the game the critters evolve, and its essential to also continually plant trees to help the forest survive.

Eco Creatures also features a Land Make mode in which players can create their own maps and go against a friend and local and online play for 2 players.

"Eco Creatures is distinctive in its ability to weave meaningful issues into a fun video game experience that makes the player a champion for the environment. Noble mission aside, endearing creatures, resource management, magic, level creation and multiplayer features make Eco Creatures a deep and engaging real-time strategy game for any DS player."
Ken Gold, vice president of Marketing at Majesco.

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Ecolis, sounds like a virulent bacteria found in bad food Smilie. Nice idea, we need such games to inspire young minds to look after the the environment. The gameplay options sound very good and full of depth.

I think the new AC will bring in elements of this sort of Eco gameplay. It would be very cool if they inplimented the "waterside method" as found in rural japan, whereby Koi fish swim into people houses via the kitchen and eat the remains of food that are thrown into a special pool of water where they wash a drain the rice. I would love to see that symbiosis with nature in the new AC.

This game sounds pretty cool, I might be very interested depending on the first western reviews. DSFanboy states that the game will get a U.S release. {LS]

Ecolis Trailer-

( Edited on 11.09.2007 15:19 by Linkyshinks [LS] )

LS, I believe this Majesco game is indeed the US version of Ecolis...BTW, the game sold something pitiful like 1,500 copies in Japan Smilie Shame.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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jesusraz said:
LS, I believe this Majesco game is indeed the US version of Ecolis...BTW, the game sold something pitiful like 1,500 copies in Japan Smilie Shame.

Yuk that is bad. The game does look very complicated and the target audience is not clearly defined. Shame, in concept alone it is a great idea but really it should be a little more like AC and HM, and not a RTS if such a game wants to do well on the DS.{LS]

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