UK Chart Highlights | Tiger Woods & Boogie Strong on Nintendo

By Adam Riley 11.09.2007 5

UK Chart Highlights XCXXXIX
...Tiger Woods & Boogie Strong on Nintendo's Wii

Your weekly UK Chart Round-Up brought to you by stat-man jesusraz. Remember, the images here do not reflect actual sales!

Hard week for Nintendo?

Last time we took at look at the UK chart situation, Nintendo was battling hard against the strong threats from various other platforms and their new releases. With the Wii and DS short of strong new hits this week, surely things are going to be tougher than ever in the UK for Nintendo? Well, let us take a look...

A Medal of Honour for EA...

Kicking things off, let us take a look at the All Price Top 40, where Brain Training is bumped down two to No.5 and More Brain Training slips two to No.7 whilst Big Brain Academy for Wii slips back down four to No.10. Wii Play gets a boost from No.26 to No.14 thanks to more stock entering the country, but Cooking Mama is finally moving South, down one to No.15.

The big winner of the week on the Full Price only Top 40 is EA, with its newcomer 'Medal of Honour: Airborne' claiming top spot, outselling EA's 'Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08' at No.2 by only 78 units. This means that last week's top seller, 'Bioshock', falls down to No.3 with a 59% drop in sales. Two Worlds from South Peak Games is new in at No.4, Stuntman: Ignition surprises all by climbing up one to No.5 and EA's latest Sims expansion 'The Sims 2: Bon Voyage' enters at No.6, helping Transformers down four places to No.7, whilst Worms: Open Warfare 2 shoots up in its second week from No.22 to No.8, rising 80% in sales, already out-doing its predecessor thanks to fantastic word-of-mouth and strong reviews. A large presence at retail and plenty of TV coverage has helped EA's Wii timed-exclusive, Boogie, up seven spots to No.10, proving to be the biggest Wii hit for the company since Tiger Woods 07. Mario Party 8 slides four to No.12, Pokemon Diamond falls six to No.13, Super Mario Bros. is down four to No.14, Pokemon Pearl drops four to No.17 and Blue Dragon on 360 plummets from No.9 to No.18.

Madden NFL 08 cannot perform as well as last year's edition, sliding six to No.22, the PSP's million-plus seller in Japan, 'Monster Hunter: Freedom 2', can only enter at this week's No.24, Resident Evil 4 on Wii drops seven to No.26, Mario Strikers moves down two to No.27 and renewed stock of Trauma Centre helps the Wii game back in at No.28, whilst Pony Friends on DS jumps eight to No.29 and Mario Kart falls four to No.30. Wrappings things up, we have Twilight Princess at No.34 (down five), Purr Pals on DS at No.35 (down from No.23), Lab & Friends at No.36 (down two), Animal Crossing at No.39 (down from No.28) and Red Steel at No.40 (sliding five).

Over in Wii-land, Tiger Woods 08 jumps two to No.1 in its second week of release, pushing its predecessor out of the Top 30 completely and nudging Big Brain Academy down to No.2, whilst EA's strong Wii streak continues with Boogie climbing two to No.3 despite middling reviews. Wii Play holds strong at No.4, helping push Mario Party 8 down from No.2 to No.5, whilst Resident Evil 4 sticks at No.6, Mario Strikers holds at No.7 and Trauma Centre leaps back up five to No.8, just ahead of Zelda, which holds at No.9. Red Steel moves up one to No.11, WarioWare is down one to No.12, Sonic climbs one to No.14 and Cooking Mama slides upwards four places. Surf's Up continues to perform below par, though, only holding at No.18, with Transformers down three to No.19. Madden NFL 08 performs better than the 07 edition did on Wii at launch last year, however, climbing four to No.20, Excite Truck climbs two to No.26 and Call of Duty 3 re-enters at No.30.

Brain Training and its younger brother hold the No.1 and No.2 spots on the DS Top 30, whilst Cooking Mama is up two to No.3, pushing Pok

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Tiger Woods 08 is said to be a really good golf game for the wii.

Umbreon Um Um said:
Tiger Woods 08 is said to be a really good golf game for the wii.

I have 07 on Wii, this versions is only slightly better. The graphics are as dull as 07 with no noticable improvement, they are of a PS2 standard. There is no online despite all the other versions having it. There is no "party Play". I will be buying it for the 360, that version plays well and looks gorgeous and has online.{LS]

( Edited on 11.09.2007 12:13 by Linkyshinks [LS] )

Agree with Linky , I got Tiger Woods 07, no need for 08 as theres nothing much extra which isn't cool. People who have bought both I cannot understand.

Boogie is a rip off. I was semi interested, but its not got great reviewsso wont purchase unless a big price drop.

Super Paper Mario...Finally...

This Friday sees three big games hit:

- Heroes of Mana (DS)
- Tingle (DS)
- Super Paper Mario (Wii)

We all know SPM is going to be massive, but I wonder if the two DS games can have much of an impact?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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