Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Pok

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.09.2007 8

The second of a double-whammy of updates on the Super Smash Bros. Brawl website reveals the Pokemon level and its various different terrains.

The previous game, Super Smash Bros. Melee, featured Pok

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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Looks more less the same as Melee's Pokemon Stadium.

I always liked Melee's Pokemon Stadium so I'm glad they kept it the same. The more terrain changes are great too.

Loving the ice and flying stadiums. They actually change the way the game is played, as opposed to just the scenery. Smilie

Still no sign of any 4th gen pokemon in this though...

( Edited on 06.09.2007 13:28 by Celebi3000 )

Why didn't they show a picture of the electric stage?

Hopefully because it has an Electivire in it and they just don't want to reveal 4th gen Pokemon in Brawl yet. Maybe. Possibly.

Robertd1138 said:
Why didnt they show a picture of the electric stage?

The same reason they don't show all a characters moves like with pokemon trainer there are 3 moves not shown. Its all for surprise.

Argh, no news post yet.. I'll put it here, then!

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This should look pretty awesome in motion.

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