Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Mario F.L.U.D.Ds the Battle

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.09.2007 21

The funky updates on the Official Smash Bros. Brawl website just keep...F.L.U.D.Ding in with Mario gaining a different special move to his past Smash outings.

It appears Mario has a new special move! It's F.L.U.D.D.

He really is carrying F.L.U.D.D. on his back!

Tilt the Control Stick down and press the B Button to charge up...

It does absolutely no damage

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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Now this I wasn't expecting - weird, but promising!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

i think it odd that in the other pics u never had it on.... so maybe u can pick him with or without it on ?_?

it look funny if it just pop on him when useing specials

It prolly pops out of his back, or poofs into the air, in some sort of comical fashion. I mean, like when Mario gets out his cape, or when Link gets out a bomb, or when Mario uses a hammer on Paper Mario. MID AIR. Smilie

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yeah but what about the fire balls?

Unexpected and very cool. Can't wait to try Fludd out.

Methinks this almost confirms a Poltergust 3000 move for Luigi aswell. (Who'll obviously be in Brawl.)

YES! I was rooting for this so hard, but I never thought I would ever see it come to light.

Maybe his Up-B move'll be a Sunshine-style water jump Smilie I don't think I've seen them show his current Up-B move yet.

( Edited on 06.09.2007 14:29 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Thinking of an Up + B move for mario would've been so easy. So many different options to choose from.

God, how awesome would it be if his Up+B was a Tanooki Suit boosted jump? Smilie

Nice, a move that does no damage, just for knocking people away. Nice way to steal kills? =)

I thought it was only a short while before F.L.U.D.D. was announced. It's kinda iconic to the GC game, after all.

I think it is just like Diddy Kong and his barrels. You just acquire the FLUDD at some point during the battles as an item.


Crazylurch said:
I think it is just like Diddy Kong and his barrels. You just acquire the FLUDD at some point during the battles as an item.

They just said it is special down B move. It's the same with Diddy's rocket barrels it's a special move. What website are you getting your info from?SmilieSmilie

Awesome! F.L.U.D.D. joins the fray! lol Smilie Here's hoping Luigi gets the Poltergust 3000. Smilie

I'm curious about how Mario's spin attack works now. Regular attack move, maybe?

Chance favors the prepared mind.

MechaG2 said:
Awesome! F.L.U.D.D. joins the fray! lol Smilie Heres hoping Luigi gets the Poltergust 3000. SmilieIm curious about how Marios spin attack works now. Regular attack move, maybe?

From one of the trailers it seems like mario's spin attack will be a neutral air attack just like the sex kick in melee.

( Edited on 06.09.2007 17:43 by J Tangle )

Smilie It seems weird... I think characters now have more attacks, let's put it like this:

Normal Attacks (in Melee, A + gently joytick move)
Normal Charged Attacks (in Melee, A + rush joystick move)
Special Attacks(in Melee, B + any joystick movement)

Now whe should be able to asume there are another movements appart from the old fray ones, I mean they have the attacks from Melee plus new "Signature" moves such as Mario's F.L.U.D.D.

Just an idea Smilie

Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

Nice update. I wonder if the fludd will make a appearence in SMG also.

This has to be the biggest game Nintendo have ever plyed effort into, I would like to know the size of the team that is working on this in contrast to SMG. I get the impression it may be even bigger despite Mario games taking full presidence in the past.{LS]

( Edited on 07.09.2007 09:56 by Linkyshinks [LS] )

I dunno why, but I get the feeling that the SSBB team is a pretty small team of really dedicated workers. Dunno why, you're probably right anyway ^^ I think it'll probably have people from all over Nintendo working there, chipping in for the series' they're responsible for.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

No I am quite certain I heard somewhere that Brawl has the largest team any Nintendo game has ever gotten.

iCAME said:
No I am quite certain I heard somewhere that Brawl has the largest team any Nintendo game has ever gotten.
Quite a contrast to what I thought Smilie

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