Famitsu has unleashed a new batch of screenshots from the Wii game. Head inside for the full story..." /> Nintendo Wii Media | First Screens of King Story (RPG) Page 1 - Cubed3

Nintendo Wii Media | First Screens of King Story (RPG)

By Adam Riley 03.09.2007 16

Following the unveiling of details describing the joint venture RPG 'King Story' (formerly known as Project O) as a game rather like Actraiser, Famitsu has unleashed a new batch of screenshots from the Wii game.

Be sure to check out the seven screens in the media folder below and stay tuned for further updates...

Box art for Little King's Story



Rising Star





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (1 Votes)

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What a generic title.... and those graphics are almost ok for DS.

( Edited on 03.09.2007 11:30 by Z )

Have you actually looked at the detail on those graphics? Just because a game chooses a relatively simple art design does not mean the graphics are "almost ok for DS".

Think the graphics look very nice actually.

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

They do look quit enice for DS don't they? Pity it's coming out on Wii though. Smilie

Seriously, just look at the textures on the houses in the third screen. The graphics are very, very good.

FFS, are you lot deluded by the "brown is real" bug or something?

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

gah. I hate this "DS" comparison that gets chucked up every time a game has graphics people dont like.

Seriously, the only way the DS could do a screen like;

Would be if the backgrounds and houses were just static pics.

But even then a DS certainly couldnt do that degree of AA, nor Texture filtering, and especialy not the subtle but nice depth of field in the image.

Its certainly nothing a gamecube couldnt do, and thus not using the Wii "to the max", but the graphics are certainly quite nice for the purpose.

The only changes Id make would be more irregular ground, some subtle atmospheric overlays, and (if possible) cloud shadows over the landscape.

oh, and completely redo the dragons breath effect.
This isnt a realistic game, but neither is it Paper Mario, that effect looks out of place.

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Dr_R said:
Have you actually looked at the detail on those graphics? Just because a game chooses a relatively simple art design does not mean the graphics are almost ok for DS.Think the graphics look very nice actually.

Dr_R said:
Seriously, just look at the textures on the houses in the third screen. The graphics are very, very good.FFS, are you lot deluded by the brown is real bug or something?

I am with you on this Dr_R. I am well known for 'cutesy' style games. I have played more RPG games on my GBA than I have on a home console. I really like the look of this - just have to wait and see what the game plays like.

If I don't like the 'look' of a game then I generally lose interest. All those war and horror games with their never-ending brown textures are horrible to the eye (mine). Just because a game is colourful doesn't make it bad. On top of that, my daughters (who are seriously mature gamers at 12 & 14 - they have been raised on games), will love the look of that game.

All judgement reserved until release and reviews, but it looks promising.

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The graphics look cool Smilie

But I thought them more realistic Smilie

Hello ! I'm French ^^ Vive la Wii !

I never said I didn't like the style of the game and yes, the graphics are nice in certain areas (ie. nice looking textures and models) but all you have to do is look at those tufts of grass and the trees to see that this game is nothing special so far. It is early in development and these are just screens (I realise everything always looks better in motion) but for a so called 'dream team' I'd like to see something a little better than another simulation that could've been handled on a last gen system five years ago.

I've got nothing against cutesy games. I was drawn to Dewy's Adventure before I even saw anything about the game. This has nothing to do with realism, it's just certain parts stick out like a dogs proverbial which really does ruin the nicer aspects.

Also, what's with the random blurring around the edges of the screens?

For those wondering who Townfactory is, it's a team made up of ex-Lovedelic people (LOL, moon, etc). For reference, other off-shoots from the breakdown of Lovedelic are Skip (ChibiRobo, GiFTPiA) and Vanpool (Freshly Picked: Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland).

Nice to see the third arc of Lovedelic now on-board Nintendo's format as well!

Also, it's great to see Cing testing the waters on Wii with this venture...gives the team more experience for its future solo games (Hotel Dusk and Another Code sequels, perhaps?).

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Kangaroo_Kid said:
I never said I didnt like the style of the game and yes, the graphics are nice in certain areas (ie. nice looking textures and models) but all you have to do is look at those tufts of grass and the trees to see that this game is nothing special so far. It is early in development and these are just screens (I realise everything always looks better in motion) but for a so called dream team Id like to see something a little better than another simulation that couldve been handled on a last gen system five years ago.Ive got nothing against cutesy games. I was drawn to Dewys Adventure before I even saw anything about the game. This has nothing to do with realism, its just certain parts stick out like a dogs proverbial which really does ruin the nicer aspects.Also, whats with the random blurring around the edges of the screens?

'Tis depth of field blur by the looks of things.

I also don't get bad grfx claims - most of it looks pretty nice, and there really doesn't look like there's anything wrong with the tufts of grass or anything....

( Edited on 03.09.2007 19:28 by Modplan Man )

The graphics are certainly not that advanced but it's got an oddly appealing look about it. Lots of pretty colours. Is it meant to be some kind Harvest Moon-Settlers hybrid?

Here was me thinking Soul Caliber Legends had set the new bar for worst graphics ever.
It has been beaten.

I'm sorry but motion sensing controls are cool and everything, but when a game looks this terrible it kinda cancels itself out.

So you're saying..




~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Man o man Faust, I spent a lot of my youth in the wild 70's playing that first picture, on my Hanimex game system on a small black & white television.

Times change, but we really had a massive amount of fun with it. Oh my poor myopic visionSmilie Makes me feel old just looking at it.

Temporarily banned until further notice.

Lol those graphics would be considered AMAZING on the DS.

But anyway yeah there basic but have a nice clean look to them and arn't ugly at least.

Aside from the lovely graphics (clean lines, bright colours, good design), the game itself sounds really interesting. Like a cross between Harvest Moon, Pikmin and a traditional RPG. Should work really well.

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

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