recent video interview, Mark Pacini, Director of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, confirmed that Retro Studios is now taking a break from the Metroid series. Could the likes of cancelled GameCube projects 'Raven Blade' or 'Thunder Rally' ever make a come-back? Share your thoughts inside..." /> News: Nintendo Wii News | Retro Taking Break from Metroid Page 1 - Cubed3

Nintendo Wii News | Retro Taking Break from Metroid

By Adam Riley 31.08.2007 20

Quick News - In a recent video interview, Mark Pacini, Director of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, confirmed that Retro Studios is now taking a break from the Metroid series. Could the likes of cancelled GameCube projects 'Raven Blade' or 'Thunder Rally' ever make a come-back?

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Box art for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption





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It's possible, it'll be interesting to see what they try next. Good to see they'll be taking a break from Metroid, but you can't help but ask, what's next for the Metroid series? Surely the only way it can go is forward? (Metroid V anyone? Smilie)

Also, will the next 3D Metroid be completely different?

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It'll probably be Metroid Wars.

A 3rd person version would be ace too I reckon. I would love to see a revival of Raven Blade though. I hear it held promise

No, he said a break from Metroid and Samus in general...saying there will likely be future projects, but for now it's a 'Time Out' period.

I really wish Raven Blade would come back...that game looked amazing! Mongo, get in here chap and share your thoughts please! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Retro Studios got a good team so i think it be good what ever they try to do next

I really wish there were more dev teams that put effort into all of their games...

They're rare these days Smilie Retro is one of the few companies who I can say probably do that.

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Yes please, bring back Raven Blade!

I think it's a good idea that they take a break from the Metroid series for a little bit; it would be nice to see them finally making new games for their portfolio, as so far all they've made for Nintendo are the Metroid Prime games.

Though, I would imagine that if there were more Metroid games coming out in the next year or so, it would be developed by one of Nintendo's internal studios, and it would likely be a sidescroller than a first-person shooter/adventure. Possibly the revival of Metroid Dread? :O

Raven Blade looks quite good conceptually but something new and even fresher would be better. I guess they have finsihed with Dread, and that it is now iminent!.{LS]

( Edited on 31.08.2007 10:12 by Linkyshinks [LS] )

Good that they are taking a break, time to bring back some of their original projects.

well it dont tell u that much but he talk about working on MP3 HERE!

Smilie they start work on ps3 b4 they saw the wii and the wii-mote Smilie

It's good to see Nintendo letting a franchise lie for a bit. I'd be interested in a return to Raven Blade, but I'd imagine that we might see a shooter from Retro first. It's what they've proven they can do, and it'd fill a big gap in the Wii games portfolio.

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

I love Metroid Prime and all but I am happy about this decision. Let them try something new, they have a lot of talent that can go to some very good use. I really hope they don't work on Thunder Rally, but Raven Blade would be awesome.

They built a name with Metroid, so they are in a better position to push their original ideas to publisher. I agree with them to take a break. I do not know if their ideas stretch thin when they only do Metroid games. They can stay original when they do something completely other than that. Sure, I mourn a bit, it means no new Metroid from Retro for quite some years (a new game takes more then 2 years to make), but on the other hand, I can wait to get a new idea from a company, schich I know does a very good job!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Old news.

"Retro say that they will take a break from the franchise after Metroid Prime 3"

Posted on 3rd July.

I hope to see Metroid Prime 1&2 Wii editions with the Metroid Prime 3 controls. Hopefully sold together and not as separate full-priced games.

wAyNe said:
I hope to see Metroid Prime 1&2 Wii editions with the Metroid Prime 3 controls. Hopefully sold together and not as separate full-priced games.

I won't mind that, both games for

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Raven Blade looked alright at the time, but now it seems pretty damn dull. I'd much rather they worked on something new with all the experience they've gained from working with Nintendo.

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Stick Retro on the Pokemon Wii MMORPG we've waited for for so long. I wouldn't trust Genius Sonority with it.

Don't waste Retro's talent on an existing franchise, let alone Pokemon.

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