some companies are eager to show off new products in Japan. Capcom has a 'Private Game Show' tomorrow (31st), Nintendo will show its October-December line-up on 5th September and Sega has its 'Strategy Meeting' on 14th September. Stick around for further updates..." /> News: Industry News | Nintendo, Capcom & Sega - Japanese Conferences Page 1 - Cubed3

Industry News | Nintendo, Capcom & Sega - Japanese Conferences

By Adam Riley 30.08.2007 2

Quick News - Rather than waiting for the Tokyo Games Show, some companies are eager to show off new products in Japan. Capcom has a 'Private Game Show' tomorrow (31st), Nintendo will show its October-December line-up on 5th September and Sega has its 'Strategy Meeting' on 14th September.

Stick around for further updates...

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I guess I'm prepared for no new announcements until E32008 then. & at E3 2008 Nintendo will say how great Nintendogs is, mention that Mario Kart Wii, out last Winter, is online, meaning they're serious about it, then release something for the Wii that completely defeats the purpose of the Wiimote.

Their new big announcement will be "Wii Brain" which is just Brain Age but with more Wii in it.

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Nice - looking forward to all three!

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