Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Special Move Types Detailed

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.08.2007 7

In the second of a double-whammy Super Smash Bros. Brawl update today Nintendo have detailed the different special move types available for fighters to use, using Meta Knight as an example.

The actions that really define the personality of each character are special moves! In Brawl, you can do four different moves with just one button and different directional tilts on the Control Stick.

These are the four types. Control for each is quite simple.

Many of these are basic attacks, like the firing of a weapon.
(Normal Special Move: Mach Tornado)

These are bold attacks that launch in the direction you tilt the stick.
(Side Special Move: Triple Dash)

These are crucial. They're used to do high jumps and for recovering when you're falling off the stage.
(Up Special Move: Shuttle Loop)

Many of these do unusual things, like reflect enemy attacks.
(Down Special Move: Dimensional Cape)

Our model was Meta Knight.

To enjoy more of the depth of special moves, try holding the button down longer to charge up attacks, rapidly pressing the button repeatedly, or tilting the Control Stick while doing the moves. You might also want to try them in midair.

Surprisingly, there's a variety of hidden uses for many of them.

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Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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Meta Knight is so cool.

why didt u just put today in one?

why didt u just put today in one?

They're two totally different updates, so I felt it appropriate to split them up into two posts. If they were from the same game or something, then I'd probably join em.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Meta Knight has a cool looking move set.

Meta Knight's profile this week anyone? I think it sounds likely. Then we'll have all the revealed characters out of the way, except Snake.

I think Snake might end up a secret character though.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Well Nintendo said that all non-Nintendo characters will not be available at the start and will have to be unlocked some how.

wAyNe said:
Well Nintendo said that all non-Nintendo characters will not be available at the start and will have to be unlocked some how.
Did they? *I must have missed that* do you have a source?

Anyway, if they did then IMO great news. Bad news is that we might not discover if Sonic is in it until the game actually comes out. We could drag it out of someone I suppose.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

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