Nintendo Wii News | Manhunt 2 Finally Granted a US Release!

By Adam Riley 24.08.2007 20

Rockstar Games today announced it will release Manhunt 2 the Wii in North America on 31st October, 2007. This announcement follows the submission of a modified version of Manhunt 2 to the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB), who has now rated the title "M" for Mature for ages 17 and older.

In June, Take-Two was compelled to suspend the release of the horror title when the ESRB issued an AO (Adults Only) rating.

"Manhunt 2 is important to us, and we're glad it can finally be appreciated as a gaming experience. We love the horror genre. Manhunt 2 is a powerful piece of interactive story telling that is a unique video game experience. We think horror fans will love it."
- Sam Houser, founder and executive producer of Rockstar Games.

"Manhunt 2 is an extraordinary game, and we eagerly anticipate its release in North America."
- Strauss Zelnick, Chairman of Take-Two.

Expect further updates as and when we get them...

[ Thanks to C3 reader wAyNe for the newstip ]

Box art for Manhunt 2

Rockstar Toronto







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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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I guess a UK release is inevitable unless the BBFC refuse even the modified version a rating.

I can't see it being released in the UK though. Smilie

The BBFC are very pro- game/film maker and very anti-censorship (despite what some people would have you believe). I'm fairly certain that the modifications will mean a UK release is also on the cards.

Still think it's a sick piece of crap with no redeeming values whatsoever.

( Edited on 24.08.2007 07:59 by Dr_R )

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

The BBFC said the game as a hole was un-releasable though. Due to it's unrelenting violence.

no one tell the bbc and we be ok for a uk

i really dont see what worng with the 1st time i see more blood thing in movies why are game that blood most are btw

they be a lot of movie they banned and later on let in <_< u look at them now and it nothing to new stuff u see

Jump_button said:
no one tell the bbc and we be ok for a uki really dont see what worng with the 1st time i see more blood thing in movies why are game that blood most are btwthey be a lot of movie they banned and later on let in <_< u look at them now and it nothing to new stuff u see

you just murdered the english languageSmilie

Jump_button said:
no one tell the bbc and we be ok for a uki really dont see what worng with the 1st time i see more blood thing in movies why are game that blood most are btwthey be a lot of movie they banned and later on let in <_< u look at them now and it nothing to new stuff u see

Serious question Jump, just so I understand and avoid being insensitive - is English your second language or is it something else? I apologise for the question, but I can't think of any other way to ask it.

As for Australia - there is even less likelihood of a release here than the UK. The first game was banned outright (same for New Zealand I think). I am with Dr_R on this, I couldn't care less because I would never want it anyway.

Temporarily banned until further notice.

Awesome! I'm glad they finally sorted the shit out. I just want to get my hands on it and play it...

Awesome! I'm glad they finally sorted the shit out. I just want to get my hands on it and play it...

Yes, put it on the shelf and let people decide wether it is good for them or not.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Anyone have any idea about what was changed/taken out/added?

Serious question Jump, just so I understand and avoid being insensitive - is English your second language or is it something else? I apologise for the question, but I can't think of any other way to ask it.

Nah its his first...which makes it all the more sad.

"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." Deviantart Profile-||-Myspace

I second the post by iHustle - what has been changed in Manhunt 2 to grant it a release? It's a lower rating which surely means things were removed or there isn't as much gore...which is a real shame in my eyes. Games should be allowed to have whatever they want in them - it's up to the public to buy them and mature people surely have the sense not to imitate.

Its a terrible shame...authorities ruin everything! I can see this being one of those action games where this is loads of killing and absolutly no sign of blood...either that or they dont show the actual stealth murders and you just hear the screams.

"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." Deviantart Profile-||-Myspace

This is why the ESRB/stores/government/whatever should reinforce laws restricting video games to minors. Why should the whole industry collapse because stupid little 12-year-olds want to play GTA to look "cool?" There'd be a lot more freedom of expression in games if there was a law stating you had to be 17 to buy what you want.

Also, AO essentially means 18+ and M is 17+. What's the difference of one year?! They should scrap AO altogether and seriously think of lowering certain games that are rated M to something like T (maybe even create a T+?) Halo doesn't need an M rating, and neither do tons of other FPSes or other games that are considered "violent." Virtual blood isn't going to fuel someone's desire for violence and turn them into a blood-lusty monster.

Fuck you, government. You complain about violence in gaming and yet do nothing about it. You just like to shit on the industry as a whole, don't you?

Great for them...either way it's STILL getting banned in this bloody country.

Odds are it was going to turn out to be a vapid steaming pile of crap no matter what was left in or removed.

No Sig

Jack Thompson is crying now.

Though I got released in the US, slim chance that it will come to Aus.

I hope Rockstar have kept that 'Saw through Balls' execution in. Smilie

reznorhurt said:
Odds are it was going to turn out to be a vapid steaming pile of crap no matter what was left in or removed.

Gasp! It's Jack Thompson...on our C3! GET HIM! Smilie

Darkspine S said:
I hope Rockstar have kept that Saw through Balls execution in. Smilie

Yeah so do I, maybe they amended the story line in order to make such things justified and critical to the story.

I wonder what it was all about before anyway, I mean what reason could you have for having to remove them in the first place, collecting some as proof of a hit maybe?, could you throw them as a distraction Smilie. Teabagging as a weapon would have been awesome I hope they have not removed it Smilie.{LS]

In Condemned 2, theyve had to remove a part where you crush a guys head in the vice grip. However, it wasn't the action that made the BBFC refuse it, it was the accompanying sounds.

I'm hoping they only have to tone down the sounds in the same way a bit in Manhunt 2 to make the BBFC happy, and not remove sections of gameplay because of it

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