Nintendo Wii Media | Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity Trailer & Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.08.2007 17

Update - Sega has released the official trailer for the Q1 2008 game. Check it out below, complete with horrible accompanying song:

Stick around for more updates...

Original Story - A selection of interesting screens from Sega's Sonic Riders Wii/PS2 sequel have zoomed onto the Internet, with the blue hedgehog and chums once again doing the whole air-board thing in jag-heaven.

The selection of LGC screens reveal a return for the original Riders cast, and a more futuristic "we hope they don't notice" feel.

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Box art for Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (2 Votes)

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If it's using the same engine as SSR it could be a very promising title. It wont have the flaws that game had it's safe to say. It's crying out for Balance Board support, surely they have considerd it if it's still in development{LS]

( Edited on 23.08.2007 08:03 by Linkyshinks R.I.P (Goodbye) )

Some people on NeoGAF reckon it's using the F-Zero GX engine...Looks 'okay', but I'll reserve judgement until I see it in motion.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

*lol* sounds reasonable, jesus, since it is very... colorful!
But surely looks a bit lowpoly, because it's that fast. Will look much better in Motion imho.
I think it has some F-Zero-gameplay to it. Promising!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

It looks so bad I can't even tell what's going on in those screens. Not impressed, bad SEGA.

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

Urk. Looks equally as terrible as the first. I'm not at all interested.
It's just an extremely poor idea.

It looks just like the first game. That's not bad news for me, since I really liked it, but it will be for most. I'm wondering how the Wii controls will work, & what the character line up will be. Also, apparantly the first Sonic Riders used the F-Zero GX engine, & that didn't make it any better.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

It definitely looks worse than the first IMO - characters look really badly formed, lack of detail, choppy textures. Granted, at fast motion you probably won't notice these, but it still shows lack of effort.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
It definitely looks worse than the first IMO - characters look really badly formed, lack of detail, choppy textures. Granted, at fast motion you probably wont notice these, but it still shows lack of effort.
Well, I dunno what we're expecting. It's Sonic Team here. After all, it is on Wii, & we all know that the poor PS2 fans get powered down games when they come out on Wii aswell.

Poor PS2 fans, they get games with shitty graphics all because of the Wii Smilie

EDIT: Just found this video, it was on Sonic Stadium & GameTrailers. It looks a bit bitter than the GC version is motion, still pretty much the same though.

Oh yeah, & It looks more complicated than ever. I think I'll like it though Smilie.

( Edited on 23.08.2007 12:23 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

By the looks of that video it seems they are using the SSR engine and not the F Zero one which is less dynamic. I dont think it looks that bad at all in movement. Detailed textures are not that important in game engines that run at these speeds.{LS]

Forgive me for asking, but what's SSR? You don't mean Sonic & The Secret Rings do you?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

If it uses the F Zero GX engine than there is SOME hope for this game after all. Nothing spectacular from the screens though.

mOojc said:
If it uses the F Zero GX engine than there is SOME hope for this game after all. Nothing spectacular from the screens though.
I know, but it's the exact same thing that happened with the first game. Apparantly the first game used the F-Zero GX engine, & look how that turned out.

Why are we talking about engine's anyway? This is Sonic Team we're talking about, the first game has been out for a year, & don't why why we're not jumping to the conclusion it'll be exactly the same, but with more complicated controls, because it sure looks that way.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

all I saw was gravity, gravity, and more gravity. It seems more like their trying to include some kind of chaos control, but I can't say thats boring until I play the game.

J Tangle said:
all I saw was gravity, gravity, and more gravity. It seems more like their trying to include some kind of chaos control, but I cant say thats boring until I play the game.
It's won't be boring, it'll just be incredibly complicated to fit into the already flawed control system & make the game even more complicated than it was the first time around, possibly giving it a new record low for Sonic game reviews.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I have the first one, and it was meh. I don't plan on getting ZG.

Doesn't look too bad I don't think... However the very fact that it's been done on a PS2 is enough to mean it's not good enough for the Wii... Should be much better...

I'm still tempted to buy the first one too for some reason. SuperLink, do you wanna send me yours? ^^;

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

YEAH!!!! yet another great squeal to one of the sonic gamesSmilie

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