Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Subspace Storyline Explained

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.08.2007 24

An exciting update on the Official Smash Bros. Dojo this morning reveals a little bit more on the bizarre Subspace Army segment of the upcoming Smash Bros. Brawl.

"The Subspace Emissary" storyline introduces a force of formless enemies called the Subspace Army. They are ruled by their commander, the Ancient Minister.

The Ancient Minister.

The enemy's primary offensive strength is in creatures called the Primid. They come in many variations.

Their objective is to cut apart the world and carry it into Subspace. They use what are called Subspace bombs to do so.

When a Subspace bomb explodes, a section of the world gets excised and swallowed by Subspace.

Kaboom! The stadium is engulfed!

This is a new, never-before-seen form of aggression...but now is no time to stop and stare. Everyone, everywhere, is beginning to move against it.

The update was accompanied by a gorgeous movie of the Ancient Minister and his Primid companions.

How do you feel about the developments unfolding in the Smash world? An orgasmic dose of Nintendo storylines in action, or a tad bit cheesy? Be sure to hit the comments section below...

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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You know JB you should give some credit.
I was the actual person who gave you the code for the embedding of all those videos.
Well if you don't feel like it...Smilie
Never mind
Good update very nice

My Life & blog: Random Thoughts, Photos, stuff, videos and links

wooo you go kirby lol... Makes me wonder if petty pirahna is a playable character

Wow, an actual storyline. Should be interesting.

This looks amazing!

Zcollvee what are you on about?

You didn't give me any code, all I did was look in the source code on the Brawl site to find out what the URL was to the swf.

Anyway, that aside, it looks pretty damn funky!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Saying that, though, thanks zcollvee for using the News Submissions feature in general Smilie

That video shows off just how amazing this game looks! Head and shoulders above 3rd Party efforts.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Well that explains that, I had thought this emissary would be alot more menacing looking or indeed a Bowser from another dimension.{LS]

( Edited on 21.08.2007 13:07 by Linkyshinks R.I.P (Goodbye) )

lol, this is the closest we'll get to a kingdom hearts-esque game with ninty characters.

also, loving the graphics on petey! Smilie

I would think the Piranha Plant would be a sub-boss. It would be cool if he was an assist trophy in multiplayer. He looks kind of big to be a playable character.

Awesome foursome!

Robertd1138 said:
I would think the Piranha Plant would be a sub-boss. It would be cool if he was an assist trophy in multiplayer. He looks kind of big to be a playable character.

Aye, he seems like a Giga-Bowser type character you'd have to take down. An assist trophy would be awesome!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Smilie Amazing!!!!!

OMFG! That was awesome! O_O

Mario got OWNED, And now Peach and Zelda are caged... is it just me, or is Zelda a lot calmer than Peach during the situation?


Yoyoenix91 said:
OMFG! That was awesome! O_OMario got OWNED, And now Peach and Zelda are caged... is it just me, or is Zelda a lot calmer than Peach during the situation?

Because Zelda is the princess of wisdom shes thinking of a way out rather than paniking like peach who is captured constantly. I can see why peach would be freakin though especially with Petey slamming their cages together.Smilie

Wow, looks wonderful! Exciting! Smilie

wow now i'm sure im gettin this game

black Quote ( my own) Cameras steal a peice your soul untill you become like those poeple who work in those big office buildings who find themselves miserable and dippresed then go to doctors for happy pills who also get too happy then goes get drunk who then sell their kindney donate blood to a hopital fer some money buys a hooker gets laid and then gets aids all in one day.... But thats just an assumption

I love the R.O.B. appearances. Smilie

NintendoArielle said:
I love the R.O.B. appearances. Smilie

Oh yeah, I did not realise that. My friend had one of those with all the discs back in 1988 or 1989, would love to own one myself as a collector. I should get around to getting a PowerGlove also, they are both things I will definitely have eventually.{LS]

peety can pwn kirby anyday and y is peety that big lol

J Tangle said:
Yoyoenix91 said:OMFG! That was awesome! O_OMario got OWNED, And now Peach and Zelda are caged... is it just me, or is Zelda a lot calmer than Peach during the situation?
Because Zelda is the princess of wisdom shes thinking of a way out rather than paniking like peach who is captured constantly. I can see why peach would be freakin though especially with Petey slamming their cages together.Smilie

I've got a better one: Since Zelda was tricked by Ganondorf so many times, why does she has to be worried about a big headed plant beast she can burn in an instant? Smilie
In the case of Peach, know she tends to scream at anything Smilie

ryno said:
peety can pwn kirby anyday and y is peety that big lol

Maybe not, Peetey doesn't have an inmense stomach like Kirby. If Giga Bowser fitted in Kirby's stomach, why Peetey won't fit in too?

Anyway, great game! I've never been dissapointed with Smash Bros. Games, but this one gets the gold!

Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

Love love love love love!

Looks awesome and I just can't bloody wait!

I love the water effects inside petey's mouth it's that good ol' nintendo waterSmilie

tbh, I'm losing enthusiasm for this story dissapointingly quickly Smilie

Give us more multiplayer videos, I reckon. I mean these videos will be good to watch for the first few weeks of owning the game, but I know I'll be playing the multiplayer for years and years

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Duffman ~~~~~~~~~
"If you make yourself really small, you can externalize virtually everything", Daniel Dennett

theduffman said:
tbh, Im losing enthusiasm for this story dissapointingly quickly SmilieGive us more multiplayer videos, I reckon. I mean these videos will be good to watch for the first few weeks of owning the game, but I know Ill be playing the multiplayer for years and years

Basically, that's your perception. Others may take this as a good thing (including myself). I may not know much about the story of this adventure mode, but, hey! they're like babies trying their new toys, the have to start from somewhere Smilie. Wait some more years and (maybe) you'll see another smash but this time growing better and better over time. Besides, SSB has never been an action role palying rpg game, so you just have to enjoy their classic "Free for All", "2 on 2", "3 on 1" and the other extras they have to offer.

Endless Battle Mode! Yahoo!!! Who's with me? Smilie

Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

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