An exciting update on the Official Smash Bros. Dojo this morning reveals a little bit more on the bizarre Subspace Army segment of the upcoming Smash Bros. Brawl.
"The Subspace Emissary" storyline introduces a force of formless enemies called the Subspace Army. They are ruled by their commander, the Ancient Minister.
The Ancient Minister.
The enemy's primary offensive strength is in creatures called the Primid. They come in many variations.
Their objective is to cut apart the world and carry it into Subspace. They use what are called Subspace bombs to do so.
When a Subspace bomb explodes, a section of the world gets excised and swallowed by Subspace.Kaboom! The stadium is engulfed!
This is a new, never-before-seen form of aggression...but now is no time to stop and stare. Everyone, everywhere, is beginning to move against it.
The update was accompanied by a gorgeous movie of the Ancient Minister and his Primid companions.
How do you feel about the developments unfolding in the Smash world? An orgasmic dose of Nintendo storylines in action, or a tad bit cheesy? Be sure to hit the comments section below...