Virtual Console | Wave Race 64 Splashes into Europe

By James Temperton 17.08.2007 3

Quick News: Having hit the US Virtual Console recently, Wave Race 64 is now up for grabs on the European system for 1,000 Wii Points. Also added to the list of 123 retro titles this week is the Turbografx game Cratermaze for 600 points.

Be sure to check out our Wave Race 64 review right here

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I have been playing it all last night, loving it all over again. They really need to bring out a Wii version of this.{LS]

It would be awesome. I love Wave Race, a really good fun and really challenging racing game would be great on the Wii...Excite Truck just can't keep me entertained for long enough.

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

The water effects in any Wii version would I hope be even better with new dynamics to them that the developers could employ. Personally I would still like to have a new WaveRace game that does everything this game does classically, but I would also like something with a overly futuristic touch with the posiblity of the player being able to control water flow direction editing in enclosed waterscapes. To make and send waterscapes for others to play would be great..{LS]

No garish colours are a ABSOLUTE must!, that's one thing that has dragged it down. Give the title some class.

( Edited on 17.08.2007 14:02 by Linkyshinks )

( Edited on 17.08.2007 14:04 by Linkyshinks )

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