Nintendo Wii News | Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Surprises Abound

By Adam Riley 15.08.2007 30

In response to recent criticism from IGN about the lack of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption promotional work, Nintendo of America's Perrin Kaplan has stated that there are indeed surprises on the horizon.

"...we still have a lot of our more traditional marketing efforts planned. People will see it all shortly, from ads to many of the usual tactics we use to support our key products. Plus: a few more surprises like the Metroid Prime 3 Preview. And no, I'm still not going to spoil the fun and tell you about it ahead of time!"

So it seems we can definitely expect more than just the recent trailers. Could a demo also be on the cards?

Stick around for further updates...

Box art for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption





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As much as I'd like to see it, I doubt Nintendo plan to release a downloadable demo, especially with the Wii's very limited on-board memory storage. I can't wait to see more trailers and gameplay action though.

i'm sure there is more than enough space for a one level demo. as long as they dont include FMV's they might get it down to 25-35 MB... that would fit on most peoples wii's i think.

MKWii FC 4081-5636-6351 <<-- add me SSBB FC 2707-3062-7319 <<-- add me

Shagster said:
im sure there is more than enough space for a one level demo. as long as they dont include FMVs they might get it down to 25-35 MB... that would fit on most peoples wiis i think.

Exactly, and then the people could delete it when they're finished. I'd like a Super Mario Galaxy demo. Smilie

demo is the only thing that will surprise me

Shagster said:
im sure there is more than enough space for a one level demo. as long as they dont include FMVs they might get it down to 25-35 MB... that would fit on most peoples wiis i think.


Are you actually shitting me?

knighty said:
Shagster said:im sure there is more than enough space for a one level demo. as long as they dont include FMVs they might get it down to 25-35 MB... that would fit on most peoples wiis i think.
25-30mb....Are you actually shitting me?

nope, i think thats a fair estimate for one demo level.
hey it may go up to 50MB but still that only 10% of the flash memory.

just look how much they packed in to 1.3GB Metroid Prime GC disks, and i bet that the original .PAK file size for MP was no more than 500MB.

seems feasible to me.

MKWii FC 4081-5636-6351 <<-- add me SSBB FC 2707-3062-7319 <<-- add me

Unfortunately, you often have to inlcude the whole engine, which makes all the demos now available so huge - think about small demos with 400 MB or more. On PC.
But I would appreciate if we got a demo... I would not delete it, I would store it on SD card.
or USB-hdd. *lol*

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Loves the Kaplan, great news, certainly reassuring. Lets hope a brief Demo is part of the package. That would mean I would have to delete half of my games Smilie, fucking ridiculous. {LS]

there wont be a demo of the game. if wiiware launches before primes EU release (for whatever reason) then mabye. but wiiware wont be launched b4 metroids release in US, so probably not

Why can't they just use DVD? Give away a demo free on their official magazine..ya know like what the other two have been doing for years.
Would give people a reason to the mag.

I would not say no to ONM getting that on the cover instead of their current crap they put on it.{LS]

Yeah..once got a pokeball beach ball, blew up loled at how shit was, busted it, went in the bin.

You would be truly amazed if you see what japanese mags have on them in contrast. When you buy japanese mags here in the UK the importers take it off if it's not flat Smilie, ive missed out on some cool shit as a consequence.{LS]

( Edited on 15.08.2007 14:33 by Linkyshinks )

Laurelin said:
Unfortunately, you often have to inlcude the whole engine, which makes all the demos now available so huge - think about small demos with 400 MB or more. On PC.But I would appreciate if we got a demo... I would not delete it, I would store it on SD card.or USB-hdd. *lol*

Yes that may be true, but that is for newer PC games with very high resolution texture packs. there have been many older fps demos under 50MB as well. (Halflife Q3Arena...)

Basically its a numbers thing. the Wii has 88MB of system memory. when you are playing any Wii game the level you are playing gets loaded and remains persistent in the memory until the next level is loaded.

so for any Wii game any one level/area can only use up to the maximum available memory. there isn't any disk based file paging as used by PC's, so thats it the most a one level/area demo would need to be is 88MB. (or whatever the actual available memory is, some of the 88MB must be used for system tasks)

but why would it need to be that big? i just did a little investigation on torrentreactor and the original MP ROM is just 1006MB (including FMV).

at a guess i would say there are 50 or so locations in MP which i calc to average out at 20MB per area.

with the engine and the higher res textures 35MB doesn't seem unobtainable.

( Edited on 15.08.2007 14:40 by Shagster )

MKWii FC 4081-5636-6351 <<-- add me SSBB FC 2707-3062-7319 <<-- add me

Good post Shagster, found that very interesting. {LS]

Shagster said:
Laurelin said:Unfortunately, you often have to inlcude the whole engine, which makes all the demos now available so huge - think about small demos with 400 MB or more. On PC.But I would appreciate if we got a demo... I would not delete it, I would store it on SD card.or USB-hdd. *lol*
Yes that may be true, but that is for newer PC games with very high resolution texture packs. there have been many older fps demos under 50MB as well. (Halflife Q3Arena...)Basically its a numbers thing. the Wii has 88MB of system memory. when you are playing any Wii game the level you are playing gets loaded and remains persistent in the memory until the next level is for any Wii game any one level/area can only use up to the maximum available memory. there isnt any disk based file paging as used by PCs, so thats it the most a one level/area demo would need to be is 88MB. (or whatever the actual available memory is, some of the 88MB must be used for system tasks)but why would it need to be that big? i just did a little investigation on torrentreactor and the original MP ROM is just 1006MB (including FMV).at a guess i would say there are 50 or so locations in MP which i calc to average out at 20MB per area.with the engine and the higher res textures 35MB doesnt seem unobtainable.( Edited on 15.08.2007 14:40 by Shagster )

You're reasoning makes absolutely no sense. Also original MP doesn't use fmv, or at most very very little. 20MB per area sound completely ridiculous and our very own resident REtro worker puts the other MP3 demoes the press have played as mostly around the 400mb mark for about 2/3 areas.

( Edited on 15.08.2007 18:37 by Modplan Man )

My eyes will seriously roll to the back of my head if a demo comes out.

Yes that may be true, but that is for newer PC games with very high resolution texture packs. there have been many older fps demos under 50MB as well. (Halflife Q3Arena...)

Mate, those engines are ancient. Look at games as old as 2004 (Half-life 2) and its demo is 700 mb. Now remember Half-life 2 ran on Xbox just fine, so its not a high-end computer game anymore, its last gen.

This looks a bit shite said:
Shagster said:
Laurelin said:Unfortunately, you often have to inlcude the whole engine, which makes all the demos now available so huge - think about small demos with 400 MB or more. On PC.But I would appreciate if we got a demo... I would not delete it, I would store it on SD card.or USB-hdd. *lol*
Yes that may be true, but that is for newer PC games with very high resolution texture packs. there have been many older fps demos under 50MB as well. (Halflife Q3Arena...)Basically its a numbers thing. the Wii has 88MB of system memory. when you are playing any Wii game the level you are playing gets loaded and remains persistent in the memory until the next level is for any Wii game any one level/area can only use up to the maximum available memory. there isnt any disk based file paging as used by PCs, so thats it the most a one level/area demo would need to be is 88MB. (or whatever the actual available memory is, some of the 88MB must be used for system tasks)but why would it need to be that big? i just did a little investigation on torrentreactor and the original MP ROM is just 1006MB (including FMV).at a guess i would say there are 50 or so locations in MP which i calc to average out at 20MB per area.with the engine and the higher res textures 35MB doesnt seem unobtainable.( Edited on 15.08.2007 14:40 by Shagster )
Youre reasoning makes absolutely no sense. Also original MP doesnt use fmv, or at most very very little. 20MB per area sound completely ridiculous and our very own resident REtro worker puts the other MP3 demoes the press have played as mostly around the 400mb mark for about 2/3 areas.( Edited on 15.08.2007 18:37 by Modplan Man )

it does use FMV in the menus, i never said it was a huge amount but it does add to the overall .pak size.

i think the problem is that we maybe have differing ideas about what a demo should be. all i would want to see is one location handful of things to shoot and a few platforms to jump on.

i wouldn't want 2/3 areas, just one location without any doors to go through. just to get a feel of it.

just enough to fit in the system memory Smilie

360 said:
Yes that may be true, but that is for newer PC games with very high resolution texture packs. there have been many older fps demos under 50MB as well. (Halflife Q3Arena...)
Mate, those engines are ancient. Look at games as old as 2004 (Half-life 2) and its demo is 700 mb. Now remember Half-life 2 ran on Xbox just fine, so its not a high-end computer game anymore, its last gen.

ok bad examples, but my point is that its not the engines that take up the space its them fab hires textures, of which halflife2 had them in bucketloads.

also, a developer will always code to the target environments limitations. Retro probably still use the 'open-door-load-next-level' trick, so by default they have already been developing within the 88MB limitation and as such probably haven't had the luxury or in fact the need of using textures near the quality of any modern games.

anyway i don't want to squabble about it, and ultimately i would buy it with or without a demo so i guess i don't really careSmilie

( Edited on 16.08.2007 09:42 by Shagster )

MKWii FC 4081-5636-6351 <<-- add me SSBB FC 2707-3062-7319 <<-- add me

Well a demo still needs a lot of textures.... each additional area would require less new textures than the previous. The levels themselves don't take much space at all you realise? Its the engine and all the bits inside the level (sounds effects, textures etc) that do.

360 said:
Well a demo still needs a lot of textures.... each additional area would require less new textures than the previous. The levels themselves dont take much space at all you realise? Its the engine and all the bits inside the level (sounds effects, textures etc) that do.

absolutely, all i want is what can be fit into the system memory.

MKWii FC 4081-5636-6351 <<-- add me SSBB FC 2707-3062-7319 <<-- add me

Do you not understand the concept of an ENGINE. You think engines for games like MP3 are some tiny things? Why do you think a short Bioshock demo is 1.3gb when the final game can only be a max of 9gb? You think that's all due to textures?

i am a programmer of 15 years experience in many languages, yes i understand fully.

but why are you mentioning Bioshock? that will never make it to the Wii.

i am only referring to software that is possible on the platform provided.

MKWii FC 4081-5636-6351 <<-- add me SSBB FC 2707-3062-7319 <<-- add me

look at this,

This is a trusty site, look at what is says below samus' picture.
Could it be a demo, maybe somthing else...

Despite the cost of living, its quite popular.

think the problem is that we maybe have differing ideas about what a demo should be. all i would want to see is one location handful of things to shoot and a few platforms to jump on.

i wouldn't want 2/3 areas, just one location without any doors to go through. just to get a feel of it.

just enough to fit in the system memory

But then you're completely disregarding many many users who store game saves and VC games, and possibly other things (I'm not entirely sure but possibly pictures and even some videos, although that would probably be a minority, maybe negligible) who have many other things on their systems, who probably wouldn't want to delete and re download all of their VC games and such.

Even a decent sized one area demo (lets face it, a demo is probably pointless if it's less than around 5 minutes, probably more, even if that time was based on a user who sped through it) would take up too much memory to be considered feasible for many users, in terms of convenience and general restrictions. It just probably wouldn't give a majority of people a long enough or satisfying playtime, and also that you would only be able to probably store one demo at a time, again an inconvenience if Nintendo did go fully ahead with that kind of service and you wanted to play or download multiple demoes.

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