This looks a bit shite said:
Shagster said:Laurelin said:Unfortunately, you often have to inlcude the whole engine, which makes all the demos now available so huge - think about small demos with 400 MB or more. On PC.But I would appreciate if we got a demo... I would not delete it, I would store it on SD card.or USB-hdd. *lol*
Yes that may be true, but that is for newer PC games with very high resolution texture packs. there have been many older fps demos under 50MB as well. (Halflife Q3Arena...)Basically its a numbers thing. the Wii has 88MB of system memory. when you are playing any Wii game the level you are playing gets loaded and remains persistent in the memory until the next level is for any Wii game any one level/area can only use up to the maximum available memory. there isnt any disk based file paging as used by PCs, so thats it the most a one level/area demo would need to be is 88MB. (or whatever the actual available memory is, some of the 88MB must be used for system tasks)but why would it need to be that big? i just did a little investigation on torrentreactor and the original MP ROM is just 1006MB (including FMV).at a guess i would say there are 50 or so locations in MP which i calc to average out at 20MB per area.with the engine and the higher res textures 35MB doesnt seem unobtainable.( Edited on 15.08.2007 14:40 by Shagster )
Youre reasoning makes absolutely no sense. Also original MP doesnt use fmv, or at most very very little. 20MB per area sound completely ridiculous and our very own resident REtro worker puts the other MP3 demoes the press have played as mostly around the 400mb mark for about 2/3 areas.( Edited on 15.08.2007 18:37 by Modplan Man )
it does use FMV in the menus, i never said it was a huge amount but it does add to the overall .pak size.
i think the problem is that we maybe have differing ideas about what a demo should be. all i would want to see is one location handful of things to shoot and a few platforms to jump on.
i wouldn't want 2/3 areas, just one location without any doors to go through. just to get a feel of it.
just enough to fit in the system memory
360 said:
Yes that may be true, but that is for newer PC games with very high resolution texture packs. there have been many older fps demos under 50MB as well. (Halflife Q3Arena...)
Mate, those engines are ancient. Look at games as old as 2004 (Half-life 2) and its demo is 700 mb. Now remember Half-life 2 ran on Xbox just fine, so its not a high-end computer game anymore, its last gen.
ok bad examples, but my point is that its not the engines that take up the space its them fab hires textures, of which halflife2 had them in bucketloads.
also, a developer will always code to the target environments limitations. Retro probably still use the 'open-door-load-next-level' trick, so by default they have already been developing within the 88MB limitation and as such probably haven't had the luxury or in fact the need of using textures near the quality of any modern games.
anyway i don't want to squabble about it, and ultimately i would buy it with or without a demo so i guess i don't really care
( Edited on 16.08.2007 09:42 by Shagster )