Nintendo Media | Smash Update: Stick Stick Stickers

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.08.2007 21

Today's Smash Bros. Dojo update reveals an interesting addition : stickers, allowing players to collect and customise pics of their favourite characters and items.

I'd like to introduce a new collection element to the game

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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That could turn into quite a nice thing to collect. I liked trophies though.

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Sooooooooooooo Cool I love this game its too good.

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Oh dear. I can't help but think that Stickers were an afterthought. Smilie

I dunno.. The trophies were nice, but they just kinda sat there..

You can play about with stickers!

Additional afterthought... Wonder if you can add them to your Photos, too?

( Edited on 15.08.2007 10:59 by Jayenkai ) - Where making games is fun!

A nice small feature. I preferred trophies though.

I hope we'll still be able to do in-game screen shots. I loved making perverted ones.

"Stickers are easier to get a hold of than trophies."

Atleast that confirms that the trophies will be back. He does seem to allude to a change in the way we aquire trophies though.

Robertd1138 said:
"Stickers are easier to get a hold of than trophies."

Atleast that confirms that the trophies will be back. He does seem to allude to a change in the way we aquire trophies though.

I don't think that confirms that trophies will be returning Smilie I think Sakarai was just referring to the trophies from Smash Bros Melee Smilie

I've been hoping for the trophies to return to Brawl, but I can settle for stickers I suppose, it is something cool to collect and judging by the screenshots shown there must be a ton of them.

Yawn. It might be cool if not for the huge white boarders around each one, so you couldn't make any decent looking comic whatever Nintendo says.

NintendoArielle said:
I hope well still be able to do in-game screen shots. I loved making perverted ones.
He actually hints at that on the official website

dojo said:
Oh dear. I cant help but think that Stickers were an afterthought. Smilie

It's a little touch that will appeal to the younger audience so why not.{LS]

Found a new tweak to the Wii system-

When your message board is too full of messages the round icon makes a beebing sound.

( Edited on 15.08.2007 17:38 by Linkyshinks )

J Tangle said:
NintendoArielle said:I hope well still be able to do in-game screen shots. I loved making perverted ones.
He actually hints at that on the official website

Really? How? I must've missed it or forgotten about it.

NintendoArielle said:
J Tangle said:
NintendoArielle said:I hope well still be able to do in-game screen shots. I loved making perverted ones.
He actually hints at that on the official website
Really? How? I mustve missed it or forgotten about it.

And rumor is, you can even save screenshots?!

That's what it says on the site. We'll find out eventually^^

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

remember when they revealed the world of trophies in brawl, and said this is where trophies come to fight, well thats what signified to me that the trophies are going to return

NightmareItachi said:
remember when they revealed the world of trophies in brawl, and said this is where trophies come to fight, well thats what signified to me that the trophies are going to return

That'd be more of a hint than what that other person called a hint^^

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

This looks rather shit. said:
NintendoArielle said:
J Tangle said:
NintendoArielle said:I hope well still be able to do in-game screen shots. I loved making perverted ones.
He actually hints at that on the official website
Really? How? I mustve missed it or forgotten about it.
And rumor is, you can even save screenshots?!
Thats what it says on the site. Well find out eventually^^

Oh yeah, now I remember! Thanks for reminding me! Smilie

I hope they have a Brawl Screen Shot channel where you can send in your screen shots with a caption and the winner gets theirs displayed on the channel. Or maybe even Nintendo could make the screen shot and then people could provide captions for it, and the winner(s) get their captions displayed on it. That'd be suhweet! Smilie

( Edited on 15.08.2007 21:54 by NintendoArielle )

This looks rather shit. said:
NightmareItachi said:remember when they revealed the world of trophies in brawl, and said this is where trophies come to fight, well thats what signified to me that the trophies are going to return
Thatd be more of a hint than what that other person called a hint^^

I don't know that seems more like he's hinting at trophies being playable characters and assist fighters only rather than collectables, which is the reason behind the StickersSmilie

( Edited on 15.08.2007 22:28 by J Tangle )

i really liked the trophies, but the idea of stickers looks kool. but i wouldnt wanna spend an hour of playing to get one louzy sticker, it would be nice that after each battle you win you would get a sticker, and at the end of the whole thing, you get a sticker of the character you used, and a trophy!

You see, Master Cheif gets up, has his cup of coffee, and starts his day just like any other humanoid. It's what he does in his day that makes him so FREAKIN' AWSOME!

Does anyone else besides me want to stick stickers on trophies? Smilie

NintendoArielle said:
Does anyone else besides me want to stick stickers on trophies? Smilie

Nah, I wouldn't want my trophies to get all sticky and stuff.. Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

This looks rather shit. said:
NintendoArielle said:Does anyone else besides me want to stick stickers on trophies? Smilie
Nah, I wouldnt want my trophies to get all sticky and stuff.. Smilie

Yes you do! Smilie

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