Nintendo Media | FFCC: Ring of Fates TV Spot (DS)

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.08.2007 12

To promote the release of the upcoming Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles installment on DS, Square-Enix have released a series of fresh TV ads revealing a bunch of perky gamers teaming up for local wireless antics.

Thanks to Linkyshinks for the tip. Be sure to stick around for updates...

Box art for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates

Square Enix


Square Enix


Real Time RPG



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Looks a lot better than the Gamecube version did

Multiplayer should be a blast. Can't wait.

Looking forward to this quite a bit more than I was to the GC game. Seems they righted alot of the wrongs of the original Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

I never played the GC game, but this does look great and is definitely something I would get if my housemates got a copy also. Only one of them is a FF fan though so I might need to do some persuading. {LS]

( Edited on 15.08.2007 13:49 by Linkyshinks )

I loved the GC version and had a lot of good times playing co-op with my kids using the GBA as the controller. It worked and played great.

Another on the immediate pre-order from Canada. To be honest, I look forward to this more than Zelda.

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oldschool said:
I loved the GC version and had a lot of good times playing co-op with my kids using the GBA as the controller. It worked and played great.Another on the immediate pre-order from Canada. To be honest, I look forward to this more than Zelda.


I actually said something similar in another related thread to this game, although I said I am looking foward to this as MUCH as Zelda. What's the single player experience of the GC game like?, ive seen a mint copy around.{LS]

Linkyshinks said:
oldschool said:I loved the GC version and had a lot of good times playing co-op with my kids using the GBA as the controller. It worked and played great.Another on the immediate pre-order from Canada. To be honest, I look forward to this more than Zelda.
Smilie!I actually said something similar in another related thread to this game, although I said I am looking foward to this as MUCH as Zelda. Whats the single player experience of the GC game like?, ive seen a mint copy around.{LS]

It's nice enough and generally worthwhile, but nowhere near as good as co-op. Zelda 4 Swords was the same, I loved playing that as co-op with the kids as well.

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That's what I suspected, I did buy Fours Swords despite. If I had as many GBAs as you I would surely get it if only to plump my FF collection on Nintendo consoles. I have all the GBA games as well as 3 on the DS and I can easily see myself getting all the great games SE are making on the DS at the moment also. That includes RW, which would be the first RTS I will play. Square Enix are going to bleed us dry, these games are looking fantastic. The is a scan on the section of Dragon Quest DS will looks great also.{LS]

I have become a SE tragic at the moment. I love pretty much everything they make. I even bought FF1:Anniversary Edition for the PSP, plus FFIV & V for my GBA whilst on holidays.

I also can't wait for the Draon Quest games, plus Heroes of Mana as well. Outside of Nintendo, they get most of my game dollars.

Edit, just remebered apart from adding FFXII:RW, I am also looking forward to FF Tactics on the PSP and eventually a DS sequel to the GBA game as well.

( Edited on 15.08.2007 15:32 by oldschool )

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I really hate the GC game, was such a dissapointment. Very slow combat and movement, had to redo the same levels over and over, sort of reminded me on a watered down Diablo 2 with a very annoying bubble slowing exploration down even more.

This is looking a better at least, action looks nice and fast.

It does look action packed, that's what appeals to me most. Will post some proper gameplay footage I have seen elsewhere later today.{LS]

lol in the first one they are fighting a giant enemy crab/scorpion creature. Very amusing. Smilie


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