new report from Japan has revealed more details about the recently release Face Training product from Nintendo, which comes bundled with a DS camera and special stand. Head inside for the full story..." /> News: Nintendo News | More Details About Face Training & the DS Camera Page 1 - Cubed3

Nintendo News | More Details About Face Training & the DS Camera

By Adam Riley 08.08.2007 6

A new report from Japan has revealed more details about the recently release Face Training product from Nintendo, which comes bundled with a DS camera and special stand. The programme is the latest in the popular Touch! Generations brand of 'non-games' that reportedly appeal so much to older generations, lapsed gamers, and the female contingent. Face Training helps players to exercise their facial muscles in order to improve their smile and give off a more vibrant facial appearance in general.

The camera slots snugly into the GBA port of the DS and provides a video image of your face on one screen and the appropriate exercise on the other so that you can easily compare what you are doing and if you need to change your technique. There are sixteen differing types of exercise that come under the heading of 'facening', a moderately popular technique designed by beauty expert Fumiko Inudo. Each exercise takes between two and ten minutes to complete and Nintendo recommends playing no longer than fifteen minutes at any one time.

As well as the animated image on-screen, the programme also has an instructor voice that will actually talk you through the various moves and with any luck you will soon have "tighter (face) cheeks and a bright-eyed look". For example, the DS will in one instance say "Open your mouth slightly, one, two, three, four." Those of you with an ounce of imagination can no doubt twist that to make it sound extremely rude...we would not dream of doing such a thing, though, obviously!

"It certainly perks your curiosity, doesn't it? The success of games is usually a question of how to engage people's feelings."
- Company spokesman Yasuhiro Minagawa.

He also added that the product is entertaining as players make amusing faces in order to obtain a more youthful appearance. Overseas sales plans are still undecided, it seems, although Nintendo UK currently has the game on offer for play testing, and the localisation required is likely to be extremely minimal. The game started off last Thursday with just 10,000 unit sales, which is considerably lower than previous releases 'More English Training', 'Common Sense Training' and 'Vision Training'. However, all of these 'wider appealing' titles have proven to have great longevity in terms of sales, with an example being More English Training, which started off well, petered out quickly, but is now slowly working its way to the 500,000 mark with ease after a couple of months on the market.

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Box art for Face Training: Facial Exercises to Strengthen and Relax from Fumiko Inudo

Intelligent Systems







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (2 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Should be popular among the vanity obsessed, and those that like Gurning.{LS]

Give us Mario Paint DS + Camera and then you will see a western sales surge. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I've been hoping for Nintendo to make a successor to the "GameBoy Camera" for years now, and it's definitley possible now that a DS camera peripheral exists. I would imagine that with DS's high color dual-screen display and touchscreen interface that such a product could sell very well, especially to DS gamers looking for an alternative to a typical digital camera. Smilie

I can't believe they actually made a game out of this...

Hmm...quite obsesive for the "I wanna be a celebrity" girls Smilie (sorry if I'm buggin' someone Smilie)

Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

I wonder if there's a "sex face..." (MAD TV skit reference.) Smilie

Anyway, that's interesting, Smilie

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