Nintendo Media | Smash Update: Kid Icarus Underworld Theme

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.08.2007 10

Today's update on the Official Smash Bros. Dojo comes as a musical one several Kid Icarus themes arranged for the young angel's debut in Smash.

You can play Kid Icarus on Virtual Console now. Have you tried it? You should really get a hold of this game and just sink your teeth in.

In terms of music, I think the most memorable themes for players were the Grim Reaper theme and the Game Over theme.

For this arrangement, I had these themes incorporated.

You might imagine it to be a bit forced, but I think it sounds quite good.

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Great, I kinda like that music, it will interesting to hear a modern take on it for the first time.{LS]

( Edited on 08.08.2007 11:28 by Linkyshinks )

Iv'e never played the games, but the music is okay,,

( Edited on 09.08.2007 01:45 by SAMUSMCLOUD )

Despite the cost of living, its quite popular.

That was great but SAMUSCLOUD you just triple posted the same thing. Oh never mind you only double posted the same thing. Do you know how to edit?

( Edited on 08.08.2007 14:17 by kirby840 )

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Nothing horribly special, but it is at least nice on the ears.

Jacob4000 said:
Nothing horribly special, but it is at least nice on the ears.

Not if you had headphones on and didn't realize the volume was all the way up, then it's like "BOOM, HEADSHOT!!!" But it does sound kinda nice with softer volume, though a little bit "Hey, listen to me!" in your face. And as Shinks said, it'll be interesting to here old game songs remastered... again...

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

I do know how to edit, and I diddn't double post. I said somthing similar in a different thread, but diddn't double post anything.

Despite the cost of living, its quite popular.

I love how they mix the main theme and the Grim Reaper/Game Over tunes. Fantastic! Smilie

I keep getting the feeling, for no reason at all, that a new Kid Icarus game could very well be on the way. Again, I'm not all that impressed with the music. The music in the first trailer was the only stuff that made me pay attention.

Agreed, nothing really has come close to the trailer music.

I don't really like this piece of music. Compared to the others anyway.

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