mOojc said:
A shame that it is, Im a fan of Hajime no Ippo. Ill still give it a go anyway.
Yeah it is a shame, I myself have never seen the anime I just wanted a decent boxing game. If EA are serious about their "new" intentions with Wii it would be nice to get a ground up Wii version of Fight Night at some point.
Developers and publishers must know that such games are likely to do well on Wii, the fact that XSEED took a obscure japanese anime boxing title over to the U.S speaks volums on that. Despite the fact this game is not brilliant is is good that it is getting a western release all the same. {LS]
PunchOut! NES [500]- Well worthy of 500 points- comedy boxing at it's best, great to just watch mates playing
PunchOut! SNES[800]- Due out on the VC soon enough.
( Edited on 06.08.2007 00:29 by Linkyshinks )