XSEED Games has revealed it is bringing ArcSystemWorks' Wii boxing game 'Hajime no Ippo' over to the US this Autumn under the new name of 'Victorious Boxers: Revolution'. With 25 playable characters, cut scenes and a story mode, this could be a good substitute for the Wii Sports boxing. Stick around for further updates..." /> News: Nintendo Wii News | New Boxing Game Coming to US Page 1 - Cubed3

Nintendo Wii News | New Boxing Game Coming to US

By Adam Riley 01.08.2007 6

Quick News - XSEED Games has revealed it is bringing ArcSystemWorks' Wii boxing game 'Hajime no Ippo' over to the US this Autumn under the new name of 'Victorious Boxers: Revolution'. With 25 playable characters, cut scenes and a story mode, this could be a good substitute for the Wii Sports boxing.

Stick around for further updates...

Box art for Victorious Boxers: Challenge








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The PS2 game came out over here so I don't see why this won't.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Do you know how well it rated in Famitsu Jez?, ive heard rumblings that it's actually quite good according to a few import reviews and a few that own a japanese Wii [Hajime no Ippo]. {LS]


( Edited on 01.08.2007 15:01 by Linkyshinks )

25/40...You can also use the Classic Controller if you don't fancy using the Wii controls.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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jesusraz said:
25/40...You can also use the Classic Controller if you dont fancy using the Wii controls.

I guess I was given the wrong impression Smilie, I think both regions can do without it, if it's that good. I guess XSEED must think any boxing game for Wii would do well in the U.S.

I am faithfull to the idea PunchOut anyway, certainly a strong possibility for the future. If EA are serious about Wii I would like to see a dedicated Fight Night game at some point. I love Boxing and would love to see it on Wii in respectable- FUN. {LS]

( Edited on 05.08.2007 10:25 by Linkyshinks )

A shame that it is, I'm a fan of Hajime no Ippo.

I'll still give it a go anyway.

mOojc said:
A shame that it is, Im a fan of Hajime no Ippo. Ill still give it a go anyway.

Yeah it is a shame, I myself have never seen the anime I just wanted a decent boxing game. If EA are serious about their "new" intentions with Wii it would be nice to get a ground up Wii version of Fight Night at some point.

Developers and publishers must know that such games are likely to do well on Wii, the fact that XSEED took a obscure japanese anime boxing title over to the U.S speaks volums on that. Despite the fact this game is not brilliant is is good that it is getting a western release all the same. {LS]

PunchOut! NES [500]- Well worthy of 500 points- comedy boxing at it's best, great to just watch mates playing Smilie.

PunchOut! SNES[800]- Due out on the VC soon enough.

( Edited on 06.08.2007 00:29 by Linkyshinks )

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