Nintendo News | Miyamoto Quizzed on New IPs

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.07.2007 17

In yet another E3 interview, Miyamoto was questioned on Nintendo's need to bring established franchises to the Wii, and the lack of original franchises/IPs for the Wii generation.

Q: What was interesting to me is that they had about four or so original Wii games. They were original and creative. I expected more of that from Nintendo. You instead have a lot of games based on existing characters or previously known games. I was looking for more next-generation Wii games. Or a second wave of original Wii games. My question along with that is why aren't you interesting more brand new characters?

A: I guess I don't necessarily see my job as creating new characters as it is creating new experiences. Recently, Wii Fit is creating the concept and the idea and the feeling behind the game. That has been one of my new creations. For characters, we came up with the concept of the Miis and that allows people to come up with their own characters. Maybe next year sometime, we may have new characters in the same way we came up with Pikmin when we introduced the GameCube.

Thanks to The Mercury News.

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Disappointing. Making new experiences is harder than making new characters, so it shouldn't be hard just to create a new franchise. Its obviously because they know their established names still sell.

I am sure they will knock out more than a few new characters in the consoles life, Miyamoto was stating that he had nothing to do with that area of development, that's all. My personal hope is that they do ressurect some old characters that have rarely been used if any since the days they were introduced. {LS]

"I guess I don’t necessarily see my job as creating new characters as it is creating new experiences. "

Very true.

Mario Galaxy has more orginality in it then a hundred other platform games.

Charecters are just the "skin" of a game, what counts is under it.

Frankly, charecters are pretty unimportant. Nintendo has a bazzilion of them already, and most game types they could come up with would be filled.

If they do something new though, something they havnt really done before. (like an RTS with pikmen), then they should invent a new charecter too.

But its more the new concept thats interesting then any new character.

Also, he mentions Mii's, but imo, they are still criminaly underused.
Id like the Mii data to be used in vastely more games. Remember folks, a Mii is nothing more then data determaining its facial features, height, and colour.
Mii's dont have to always be rendered in a cartoony style.
They could be changed to fit the game.

( Edited on 31.07.2007 10:14 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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This question is very unfair and horrible to ask Miyamoto-san in that way and tone. Since the initial essence of the question is okay (more new franchises? Will they be created for Wii), tha question itself is shameful: "Why, the heck, are you lazy and put out rubbish? You are responsible for doing nice flipflap-names and new franchises for the sake of saying 'we, at Nintendo, created something new! Go appreciate it!'"

First it is immensely difficult to create new franchises in a way that people take them and appreciate them, in a way, that they feel attoned to it and drawn to it. That's a reason why publishers glue to franchises and bring new installment to all the same characters (Nintendo's no exception). People want Link, Mario.

So I get angrywhen reading this question above. It almost produces shame to Miyamoto-sans face. *growls*

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Yeah, I think Miyamoto is kind of forced to work on exisiting franchises. Merely because they sell so well.

But if Mario Galaxy was with a new charecter and "skin" how would it be improved?

Not at all, imho.

New charecters just for the sake of it is stupid. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

The question was rubbish so Miyamoto went alogn with it. There's a massive difference between new IP and characters, but Nintendo seem to have a trend for splitting characters from franchises and whoring them out. It used to just be Mario but now they're doing it with Miis for all their casual stuff. I'm bored to death by that kind of crap. The characters are be an element of a particular game, not interchangeable costumes for whatever game you want.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

(e.g., Pikmen).

That's Pikmin actually, they are without gender Smilie. Good post, I agree.{LS]

( Edited on 31.07.2007 16:59 by Linkyshinks )

"but now they're doing it with Miis for all their casual stuff."

umm..isnt that the whole point of Mii's? :?

How can you "whore out" a custom charecter feature :? <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

I guess I don't really like how the Mii thing has turned out. Just makes every game which uses them significantly look sterile and lifeless.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Grumbler said:
I guess I dont really like how the Mii thing has turned out. Just makes every game which uses them significantly look sterile and lifeless.

While that's true, it seems most of the games that use them are intended to have a sterile look (i.e. Wii Sports, Wii fit, etc.) So I don't see a problem there, unless they try to shoehorn them into a game that they just don't look right in...

They should introduce a demographic changing character that they'll call, "Violence Man." He'll be violent and M rated. Awesome?

Darkflame said:
But if Mario Galaxy was with a new charecter and skin how would it be improved?Not at all, imho.New charecters just for the sake of it is stupid.
Honestly, If it did not have Mario in it, I don't think it would have the same demand.

Jacob4000 said:
Grumbler said:I guess I dont really like how the Mii thing has turned out. Just makes every game which uses them significantly look sterile and lifeless.
While thats true, it seems most of the games that use them are intended to have a sterile look (i.e. Wii Sports, Wii fit, etc.) So I dont see a problem there, unless they try to shoehorn them into a game that they just dont look right in...

They have not done it yet and I doubt they will. One game the new FIFA includes Mii's, but it's seperate from the main game which is wise. Leaves room for Mii football or table football. {LS]

Darkflame said:
But if Mario Galaxy was with a new charecter and skin how would it be improved?Not at all, imho.New charecters just for the sake of it is stupid.

Mario Galaxy isn't really relevent here because it;s ana actual proper Mario game in which mario jumps around and gets special abilities in a colourful world.

How much better would Mario Football be with original characters? Sega Soccer Slam better.

I love it when you twist this kind of stuff round in a frighteningly slimy way in every news piece Darkflame. It gives me kicks.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Awesome, more characters the better. I hope Nintendo can get back to their old days. I sure do miss them. Nintendo can't rely on projects like Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl to defend themselves. I agree that I want so see some old franchises to be resurrected.

I would love to see another Mother game. A Kid Icarus game is a must also. Always wondered what happened to the Lufia series on the SNES. One of the RPG's that was overlooked alot.

Smilie, I think I will be going overboard if I ask for a River City Ransom remake.

( Edited on 01.08.2007 02:33 by Hobbes )

yeah. Nintendo have a decent range of gameplay experiences, but a fantastic array of characters to apply to them. And what's more important? I'd rather they focus themselves on the gameplay itself, not the franchise.

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