Nintendo Wii News | Top Virtual Console Sales Update

By Adam Riley 25.07.2007 8

Quick News - US publication Nintendo Power has been providing us with a Top 5 for each Virtual Console system in that region, and this month it reveals them for the TurboGrafx16: 1.) Bomberman '93, 2.) Bonk's Adventure, 3.) Dungeon Explorer, 4.) Splatterhouse and 5.) R-Type.

Let us know which ones you have downloaded in the forum...

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Bomberman '93. Friggin' awesome!

R-Type. Good, but VERY hard.

Bomberman is definitely worth a download.

I still gotta get Bonk's Adventure. Cavemen who eat meat to become beasts = awesome.

Not much is known of Turbografx 16, but it has some pearl hidden in the portfolio.

R-Type - an almost 1:1 copy of the Amiga-hit, which debuted on C64 I think (but was smaller then on Amiga) - is well worth it.
There is a scaled down version of R-Type from Irem for Gameboy (the old one) and that's very good!

Bomberman is only Hudson's all-time-long-time-runner, it's not even the best game on PC-Engine/Turbografx. But it's far from dull. I only find it somewhat crazy, that they release it mildly changed over and over again. Even. Mario gets his updates...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

NintendoArielle said:
I still gotta get Bonks Adventure. Cavemen who eat meat to become beasts = awesome.

Arielle you would love them, I have all three, Bonk 1 and 2, and now AIR ZONK Smilie. I really love these games, especially Bonk 2 which is full of charm you rarely see nowadays in videogames. Theres this one bonus game where you have to let all these Piranha's bite you so you can carry them to the goal line Smilie. The graphics are adorable yet very simple, cutesy sprites all roundSmilie . Bonk like feasting meat, he goes a little crazy when he eats too much ans starts puffing steam and looks very angry, while still looking cute of course. I used to own a PCEngine GT when I was young, around 14 or so. {LS]

I have Rtype and Bonk and Bomberman which I luvs-5 player magic.

I have 27 VC games! Smilie, and they are all great games.

( Edited on 26.07.2007 19:31 by Linkyshinks )

( Edited on 26.07.2007 19:33 by Linkyshinks )

Laurelin said:
Not much is known of Turbografx 16, but it has some pearl hidden in the portfolio. R-Type - an almost 1:1 copy of the Amiga-hit, which debuted on C64 I think (but was smaller then on Amiga) - is well worth it.There is a scaled down version of R-Type from Irem for Gameboy (the old one) and thats very good!

I'm pretty sure the C64 version wasn't the original, the arcade version was, and the Turbografx version is usually said to be the most faithful port of that and the other versions inferior (but not neccesarily bad).

The Turbografx/PC Engine was much more popular in Japan I believe and there are some pretty good games on there, so it's a good oppertunity to get to play some of the games on VC. Bonk's Adventure is worth it as well.

I Agree^

The PCengine version is regarded as the finest conversion which it should be, brilliant game also, but RType 3 is actually better imo. On the VC, Gradius 3 is better still, but it has only been released in the U.S thus far. That game has a solid weapon system and great music and gameplay for a side on shooter.{LS]

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