Nintendo Media | Smash Update: Skyworld Level

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.07.2007 20

Nintendo have revealed another new level in today's Smash Bros. Dojo update, bringing players into gorgeous a Kid Icarus themed world.

The level features several platforms and crumbling/respawning some of the other arenas revealed recently.

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You know, I keep thinking that all these levels announced with the same platform structures are all just one level, but with customisable 'skins' making the background and themes of each 'stage' mentioned. They'd all be way too similar otherwise.

At least each of these new stages have a special twist to them, in this case, the platform breaks every now and than.

It looks just as I imagined kid Icarus's home world to look. Looks great, posible hazzards could be gusts of wind. {LS]

mOojc said:
At least each of these new stages have a special twist to them, in this case, the platform breaks every now and than.

Tis the same as Zelda's bridge though, with similar 3 platform structures. Bah, they could have some big ass castle. Still hope they keep that level with the huge statue in from the trailers.

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Looks great and it's compact so no-one can run of when your beating them to a pulp.

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jb said:
mOojc said:At least each of these new stages have a special twist to them, in this case, the platform breaks every now and than.
Tis the same as Zeldas bridge though, with similar 3 platform structures. Bah, they could have some big ass castle. Still hope they keep that level with the huge statue in from the trailers.

Ahh, but there are multiple crumbling platforms. Smilie

I guess the levels they have shown are virtually the same but comparing to SSBM, there should be as much or even more maps in SSBB. I have some hope that at least a few of them have some diversity to it.

all moaners the majority of ya, just be happy for once about an update. Im starting to think nintendo shouldnt have even bothered with the site

I like you. When I take over the world your death will be quick and painless.

Smash brothers is going to be awesome. The graphics are very good and look at the many levels there are.

Darr said:
all moaners the majority of ya, just be happy for once about an update. Im starting to think nintendo shouldnt have even bothered with the site

Yeah I totally agree It makes no sense for you all to be complaining about levels That they didn't have to show. I'm pretty sure there are some mind blowing levels that they want to keep on the low. Many of you were saying you wanted to be surprise and They should hold all the great info until the game is released now that is happening and people still cry.

jb said:
Bah, they could have some big ass castle.

You know there will be a level like that. SO theres no worry. Not to mention all the SB Masters of this forum should know even the smallest change in level design can determine the winner of the match so you would think most of you would be happy seeing so many different levels with there own little percs.

Linkyshinks said:
It looks just as I imagined kid Icaruss home world to look. Looks great, posible hazzards could be gusts of wind. {LS]

yeah that would be awsome. Sort of like with BattleField and low gravity in melee. I'm hoping for a level with weather changes to see how that would come into play.

I'm kinda confused about this level now... I thought that you'd be able to stand on the clouds, but Wario's being hit through it... What happens when all the platforms are broken? I mean they'll come back, but you're pretty much fucked until they do. It looks like 1, maybe 2 at most, of the platforms can't be broken and that's a pretty small space for 4 people to survive in <.<

I think the level looks pretty good though. I don't care too much about the more interactive or change-y levels we've been seeing so far, but at least this level has a slightly different layout. It's not just a big platform with 2 or 3 smaller ones above it. There's essentially 3 levels, with an extra platform near the bottom for recovery and a little bit more variation in placement of the platforms. The ones on the right look slightly different from the rest though... Moving platforms maybe?

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

What I like most about this level is the name; Skyworld. It's a WORLD, made of SKY.Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Its design is different though....

I love that last screenshot where DK goes all DBZ and does that downward spike thing that you see in that anime sometimes.

I'm not too worried about the level design. Recently we got Donkey Kong's level, which is possibly one of the most different levels in a Smash Bros game evar. Next to Icicle Mountain, but they're basically the same. In any case it's definitely not basic. Also, this stage seems a little less basic than some of the other battlefield stages, as the floors can crumble. While this is 3-4 platforms that crumble, the Bridge of Eldin is like 1 straight road that crumbles in the middle.

Considering the amount of stages revealed compared with the amount of characters revealed, I'd say that we don't need to worry about lack of stages, or originality. I mean, I don't see what would cause them to not be creative in this, everything else in the game is more creative than any other SSB game put together.

To be honest I'm far more worried about Zero Suit Samus' playability than the stages ^^;

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Hmm, is Donkey Kong doing what I think he's doing?
"In ya face, Wario!"

Skyworld "revealed" looks like it and the dark similarly themed map are not one and the same after all.

Pretty cool map. I like the ground breaking thing. I wonder if all the platforms break or just the lower ground.

( Edited on 26.07.2007 21:41 by Hobbes )

Hobbes said:
Pretty cool map. I like the ground breaking thing. I wonder if all the platforms break or just the lower ground.

(That would be an 'All of them')

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

^ erm I think that is the upper platform breaking falling past the lower platform megadan.


Crazylurch said:
^ erm I think that is the upper platform breaking falling past the lower platform megadan.

Look more closelierSmilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Ino Faust said:
Crazylurch said:^ erm I think that is the upper platform breaking falling past the lower platform megadan.
Look more closelierSmilie

Oh I forgot you programmed this game. Smilie

Wouldn't make sense for all platforms to break.


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