Nintendo News | Harrison Talks Hardware Revisions

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.07.2007 6

Nintendo of America's George Harrison recently discussed a range of Wii/DS issues, from the various zapper related projects from third parties to Wii Ware, but more interestingly hardware revisions and third pillars.

An extract from the GameDaily interview:

BIZ: I interviewed Perrin during D.I.C.E. and we talked a bit about how Nintendo likes to revise its handhelds. I asked her if this revision model was applicable to console hardware like the Wii as well, and she said, "Sure. You'll see the ways in which we do that." That seemed like a strong hint that Nintendo will revise the current Wii hardware. Is a new model planned?

GH: It's interesting, console hardware has always historically been on a sort of fixed, sequential pattern almost every five to six years and it takes you about five years to develop a new piece of console hardware. The handhelds and portables, like Game Boy and now DS, we've always been continuously innovating, and whenever we feel like it's time or have an upgrade, we'll do it, whether it's an improved screen for the handheld or slimmed down like the DS Lite

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He doesn't say much, but it's refreshing to see someone outside the 'no comment, you will be notified!'-section talking relatively open about these things.
This is news I consider interesting. I like honest interviews a lot.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

The Wii doesn't really need a redisign. does it.

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I can think of a few things, but they're all sensible, practical things, so there's no chance.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Nothing will happen to the Wii for a long long time. There is nothing drsatically wrong with it. It does what it says on the tin. We just need the decent shit to come out!


Cant see Nintendo revising anything on the actual console. Maybe revisions to the sensor bar etc. But the actual box will remain the same. Bar new colours.

First time we saw the Wii it was black. How cool was that?

Just the on board memory needs to be sorted right now IMO. {LS]

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