Nintendo Media | Smash Update: Yoshi Returns to Brawl

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.07.2007 22

Nintendo's adorable dinosaur makes a welcome return to Super Smash Bros. Brawl in today's Dojo update, bringing with him all the egg antics one could ever want.

Yoshi's back and bursting with personality! He can launch consecutive attacks and even smack around enemies below him mid-flight.

Among other things, he can now use his up special move, the Egg Toss, to increase the distance of his jump. That's enough to earn him a hearty welcome, isn't it?

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Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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i hate him and love him XD i use to get ppl to come lose to the side and eat them and make them into a egg so they just drop down lol

Egg Toss to jump?

Woo Yoshi!

From looking at those screens, he looks alright, but can look better.

IT's great to see the old cast returning. Yoshi looks great! Heres hoping for Ganondorf next

How is yoshi riding DK?

Z said:
How is yoshi riding DK?

Baby DK rides Yoshi in the DS game. Now that he's all big now he should give Yoshima a ride for a change. I luv Yoshi!. Smilie

*Stares at japanese Super Mario World poster*

( Edited on 24.07.2007 13:38 by Linkyshinks )

Yoshi looks so awesome in Brawl! He looked ugly & "realistic" in Melee, but now he looks sweet AND realistic! Yay! :3

This, IMO, is one of the best updates yet by far, I've been wanting to see Yoshi's new look for ages, & I'm not disappointed.

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I think Yoshi looks great. You see him here up extremely close and so he looks weird. But he sure looks alright when playing the game itself with it's own perspective!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

He's checking DK fo ticks.

Yoshi is awesome and he's eating his fleas.. all monkeys eat fleas, so Yoshi is removing his vital nutrients and slowly destroying him. Smilie

meh,hated using yodhi,good to have around though

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Meh, I liked how he looked in Melee, I guess he still looks good, too short of a tail though. Glad to hear that his special move actually does something like jumping higher, now I might use him more.

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

The Evil Shy Guy said:
Meh, I liked how he looked in Melee, I guess he still looks good, too short of a tail though. Glad to hear that his special move actually does something like jumping higher, now I might use him more.

Yeah the tail is shorter, but I may actually use him this time since he now has a third jump.

he looks like his made of plasticine.

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*Glomps Yoshi* HE'S MY SQUISHY! Smilie

Glad to hear he's back! I never used him before but now that he's got a third jump I might use him.

Maybe Captain Olimar and Pikmin [ like ice climbers] will become a playable character along with Chibi-robo. Those two, Yoshi, and Pichu were the cutest.

If you want to trade in Diamond,Pearl,and Platinum I will trade to get a Munchlax, Charmander, Squirtle, Chikorita, Cyndaquil. If you do pm me. Also if you have Metroid prime Trilogy we can trade friend vouchers.

Meh, couldn't be bothered. I HATED Yoshi's cry he made when he did his mid-air jump. His mid-air-down-A was great, though.

On the upside, he looks less flamboyant this time around. Smilie

yoshi's cool i guess, but i like link alot more, and pit looks kool(i like swordsman)

You see, Master Cheif gets up, has his cup of coffee, and starts his day just like any other humanoid. It's what he does in his day that makes him so FREAKIN' AWSOME!

PsionicMW said:
Meh, couldnt be bothered. I HATED Yoshis cry he made when he did his mid-air jump. Smilie

You mean his "I'm constipated" cry? Hey, don't be so rough. Smilie

NintendoArielle said:
PsionicMW said:Meh, couldnt be bothered. I HATED Yoshis cry he made when he did his mid-air jump. Smilie
You mean his Im constipated cry? Hey, dont be so rough. Smilie

I always thought of it as more of a "Noooooo!" sound, likely due to him fearing DK, Ganondorf, and Link chasing after him. Smilie

Gawd I hated Yoshi's voice in Melee... The worst thing about the Yoshi's Island remake on the GBA was the fact that they changed all the sound effects to give him a voice... *shudders*

I'm not so sure about him having a proper B+Up move now... The point was that his jump is already so huge that it would be unfair if he had a recovery move. Then again Yoshi doesn't exactly have any other strengths in Melee so I suppose he needs at least one <.< Not really sure haw an exploding egg will be used as a recovery move though. Maybe you'll have to throw it before jumping, then jump up into it as it explodes, propelling you upwards?

SuperLink said:
Yoshi looks so awesome in Brawl! He looked ugly & realistic in Melee, but now he looks sweet AND realistic! Yay! :3
What? If anything he looks more realistic now, in keeping with the Smash Bros-y style. In Melee he was just bright green, now his skin is darker and seems to have a bit more texture to it...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Megadanxzero said:
Im not so sure about him having a proper B+Up move now... The point was that his jump is already so huge that it would be unfair if he had a recovery move. Then again Yoshi doesnt exactly have any other strengths in Melee so I suppose he needs at least one <.< Not really sure haw an exploding egg will be used as a recovery move though. Maybe youll have to throw it before jumping, then jump up into it as it explodes, propelling you upwards?

Actually Yoshi's 2nd jump can't be knocked back. Yoshi can be hit with an object take damage and keep going. Maybe yoshi's egg will be similar to Samus's mines.

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