Nintendo Media | Smash Update: Rumble Falls Level Revealed

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.07.2007 15

Mario and co enter the Jungle in the latest Super Smash Bros . Dojo update, revealing a Jungle Beat-inspired level with plenty of ladder-climbing action.

The screen slowly scrolls upward, so if you don't want to get left behind, you'd better get to climbing. Oh, and don't forget to pummel your opponents on the way.

You're climbing up, but the water keeps flowing
down, down, down.

The screen's constantly changing, so it's fun just to watch, too.

The top of the waterfall isn't the top! Keep climbing!

Hey! What's at the top? Huh?

Hmm...I wonder...

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Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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I would have preferred /no/ update to this! God help us it's another icicle mountain!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Duffman ~~~~~~~~~
"If you make yourself really small, you can externalize virtually everything", Daniel Dennett

Isn't it a bit too much like the Ice mountain in SSBM? I'm really starting to worry about the quality of the stages...

Revolution is the solution.

Design seems a bit different from Ice Mountain, and by the looks of it beanstalks at the top. Looks pretty good.

Geez you people complain, just a moment ago you were winging there was no moving levels. Smilie
Looks fun, I like the look of the last screen.

Yeah, Ice Mountain was definately one of the lesser loved levels of SSBM. That and the Brinstar Depths spinny turny level, too. - Where making games is fun!

Geez you people complain, just a moment ago you were winging there was no moving levels. This is a smilie
Looks fun, I like the look of the last screen.

Nah - people weren't really complaining about the lack of moving; instead the lack of different sections within the levels. What we've seen so far generally follows the 3 platform layout with some background scenery and level-specific hazards.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Never was a fan of the "moving levels" though this one does have some neat looking backgrounds.

Um, so you can climb ladders now? Cool.

Looks good. I always liked the moving levels. Personally I always thought they moved too slow Smilie But the ladders seem like a great idea, particularly if there's no other way to get to the top spot, people will be clambering for it like mad XD

Im sure it will play differently to the ice climbers level though simply because of the ladders, if they leave you vunerable whilst climbing then a new element can come into play making you choose carefully when to climb.

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

I F-ing love it all! Smilie [Crazy Type LOL].

I bet those water effects will looks gorgeous and hypnotic in movement. I like the Retro Show also in the form of those ladders. You should be able to charge people under them so they get round of bad luck with some "servere" energy loss. {LS]

I'm loving the stages for this game. there so imaginative. This one does look like a carbon copy of the ice climbers stage though

Yeah, the thing about the Ice Climbers stage was that you really couldn't' get that much action in. It kept moving so fast most of the time.

Thing about this one, they promised that it will scroll slowly.

Hey, as long as we don't get any Poke Float-like stages. Smilie

Although I didn't like Icicle Mountain much, I do think it's a good idea to throw in these types of stages. They're not so great for serious competitions, but they're fun for parties and friendly matches and such.

This level looks absolutely shocking... How can they think that's acceptable? The water DK's standing in looks worse than the water on Great Bay in Melee... The stuff in the background doesn't look much better either, and all the rock textures in that level are pretty much just random blurs... The only good looking bit is the beanstalk things, which look kinda like a pre-rendered background. Not too sure about it though...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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