E3 2007 News | Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition to Exceed Sales Target

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.07.2007 12

Quick News: Capcom Chief Financial Officer Kazuhiko Abe recently revealed that he expects sales of Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition to exceed the target of 420,000 units for the current business year (up until March 08), given the positive response from gamers and press alike.

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That tends to happen when you set pretty low sales targets and everyone's desperate for something to play.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

That tends to happen when you set stupidly low sales targets and everyone's desperate for something to play.

I guess that means we'll be seeing more ports...

I'm just hoping that we'll see the other games in the franchise as remakes for the Wii as they did for the first one for the Gamecube.

Have started playing it now and it's quite good imo.

One disadvantage is that if they were to remake the games for the Wii and use the RE4 engine it'll take a hell of a lot of work to get one game finished let alone several.

Am keeping my fingers crossed though!

Well maybe they'll see that people that have a Wii want this style of resident evil game...and not some terrible on rails shooter.

Grumbler, could be, that they now think 'wait, even core games work on Wii. Damn, let's produce some!'
But it's right that we are desperate to play anything without cuddly-widdly in it.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

@ Grumbler,

Resident Evil 4 was released for the Gamecube and the PS2 about 2 years ago. The game sold extremely well on both systems and now sells for 19.99 new and less for a used copy. Capcom was right to set the sells low. They only added the content that was included in the PS2 version and did nothing to utilize the graphical capabilities of the Wii.

Would you really expect a million people to buy a game that they have already played just to have additional costumes and the Ada Wong side story? Or would you expect a million people who have never played Resident Evil 4 to buy the Wii version for $29.99 when they could buy the Gamecube/PS2 versions for $19.99 or less? Remember the Wii version looks exactly like the Gamecube version graphically and the Wii is backward compatible with the Gamecube. As I stated before, Capcom was right with their sales expectations. There was no way to gauge how well a port would sale while the Players Choice versions are still on the market and cost $10.00 less.

( Edited on 13.07.2007 16:35 by patjuan32 )

Yeah you make a good point patjuan32, but RE4 wii is the first port I've ever played that made the game better. Now go play the RE4 with wii controls and then go back and play it on PS2 you will feel a totally different play style. I tried it and I won't leave the wii controls. It feels impossible (to me atleast) to play another RE game without the Wii controls. That game is worth the 30$ and should clearly be chosen over the GC and PS2 versions.

Would you really expect a million people to buy a game that they have already played just to have additional costumes and the Ada Wong side story?

Judging by comments on forums, yes, and they did, evidently. Wait, where did I say anything about a million?

The sales predictions were obviously too low, because there's nothing else to buy.

( Edited on 13.07.2007 17:26 by Grumbler )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

J Tangle said:
Yeah you make a good point patjuan32, but RE4 wii is the first port Ive ever played that made the game better. Now go play the RE4 with wii controls and then go back and play it on PS2 you will feel a totally different play style. I tried it and I wont leave the wii controls. It feels impossible (to me atleast) to play another RE game without the Wii controls. That game is worth the 30$ and should clearly be chosen over the GC and PS2 versions.

I certainly agree with all your points only to add that the PS2 version has longer load times that interrupt the playability also. {LS]*

Grumbler said:
Would you really expect a million people to buy a game that they have already played just to have additional costumes and the Ada Wong side story?
Judging by comments on forums, yes, and they did, evidently. Wait, where did I say anything about a million?The sales predictions were obviously too low, because theres nothing else to buy.( Edited on 13.07.2007 17:26 by Grumbler )

There's nothing left to buy for you, no, but I personally still have a list of games I'd buy, if only I had the money. RE4 did well because it's an awesome game no matter what the circumstances. I've completed it 7 times on the GC, and I rebought the Wii version which I've already completed 2 times since rebuying it. Ofcourse, I'm a total nutjob, but the game is just very addictive to some, and just a very good game to others, so it's bound to sell well, be there no other games at all, or a shitload of games to buy.

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

All i have to say is "DUH!" i think they set that mark pretty low in purpose so if the sales pass that number they will say SOLD MORE THEN EXPECTED! Smilie uh-hha!

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