E3 2007 Video | Ubisoft Goes Nitro Exclusively on Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.07.2007 26

A surprise announcement from the Ubisoft camp during E3 revealed an exclusive Wii dirt biking title known as Nitro Bikes, complete with online mode and all the grit and excitement the extreme sport provides.

Nitro Bikes is an exclusive for Wii, bringing high speed racing action and 6 player online features to the ickle white box.

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Yay Smilie

and all the grit and excitement the extreme sport provides.

According to who?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Doesn't look too bad, but I saw the word Ubisoft. Here's

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It looks like old Motocross Madness with some over the top effects.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

^ My words exactly.

Is this a spiritual successor to Excite Bike given it's made by the same development team?, I hope so still love that game today. This game has to have a track editor also. [LS]

Bloody hell it is the Excitebike 64 team as well.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

So why have them traitors gone to Ubishite then? o.0;

Was the game Excitebike 64 actually any good? I've heard it was...

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Left Field left Nintendo in 2002. Excitebike 64 is supposed to be immense, I've never played it though.

Having said that, Mobygames doesn't show that there's much of the Excitebike 64 people left there.

( Edited on 13.07.2007 14:11 by Grumbler )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

This looks even better than Excite Truck to me. It's looks we might be getting a good bit of decent Wii exclusive titles by the end of the year!

Left Field was dumped by Nintendo after only really doing two great Kobe Bryant NBA Courtside games and the fantastic Excitebike 64...Shame really.

But wow, this looks like what Excite Truck should have been. This is definitely on my 'keeping an eye on' list! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Excitebike 64 was absolutely brilliant from what I've played of it. I'm not sure if this can live up to it, though, and I won't be swayed away from Excite Truck until I hear of hands-on previews deriding it in favour of this. Ubisoft have put out too much rubbish on Wii for me to be trustworthy of its quality.

From the video it may be better than excite truck. I hope your able to add your own music because I would like to see some more games actually use that feature.

( Edited on 13.07.2007 18:55 by J Tangle )

Glad I didn't bother with excitetruck, that game should have been online.
That said it is ubisoft+wii so i'm not getting too excited yet.

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

Blade2t3 said:
Glad I didnt bother with excitetruck, that game should have been online.That said it is ubisoft+wii so im not getting too excited yet.

If you didn't play Excite Truck you missed out on one of great earley releases of the Wii.
I'm very disappointed in you as a Wii gamerSmilie

Well you would be dissapointed in me also, I never got it, but I know I should have. According to view I respect in the video game indusrtry especially in respect to Nintendo games, one particular site now say they should have given the game a better score. [LS]

J Tangle said:
Blade2t3 said:Glad I didnt bother with excitetruck, that game should have been online.That said it is ubisoft+wii so im not getting too excited yet.
If you didnt play Excite Truck you missed out on one of great earley releases of the Wii.Im very disappointed in you as a Wii gamerSmilie

Yeah but i knew somthing like this would happen, Excite Truck just seemed half balked and such an easy game to add an online componant to in the sequal and call it a day.
Plus I don't buy many racers so i'm very picky about the ones I do (unless it's mario kart).

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

Grumbler said:
and all the grit and excitement the extreme sport provides.
According to who?

According to me, now just leave it will you please.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Linkyshinks said:
Well you would be dissapointed in me also, I never got it, but I know I should have. According to view I respect in the video game indusrtry especially in respect to Nintendo games, one particular site now say they should have given the game a better score. [LS]

You missed a fun game LS. The great thing about excite truck was all the unlockables. The game kind of surprised me when unlocking all normal cars only to find out there is another set of cars to unlock and then there are two more secret trucks after that. The most race tracks are huge some allmost to the point of having to look at the map. The multiplayer could of been better if they had twoplayer cups but it still gets the job done. It's the only game I know of that lets you change the enviroment while racing. If you go into it without very high expectations it will give you a great experience.

jb said:
Grumbler said:
and all the grit and excitement the extreme sport provides.
According to who?
According to me, now just leave it will you please.


( Edited on 13.07.2007 20:50 by J Tangle )

I reject comments of "this is what Excite Truck should have been" consider that Excite Truck was pretty great in all respects other than a decent multiplayer. If by that comment you mean that it will have decent multiplayer (and comparable graphics) I'm okay with that.

Only 6 players online? Well, that's not bad, but I suspect Mario Kart will have 12 or more, but then, that's Mario Kart.

Blade2t3 said:
J Tangle said:
Blade2t3 said:Glad I didnt bother with excitetruck, that game should have been online.That said it is ubisoft+wii so im not getting too excited yet.
If you didnt play Excite Truck you missed out on one of great earley releases of the Wii.Im very disappointed in you as a Wii gamerSmilie
Yeah but i knew somthing like this would happen, Excite Truck just seemed half balked and such an easy game to add an online componant to in the sequal and call it a day.Plus I dont buy many racers so im very picky about the ones I do (unless its mario kart).

Lol, as much as, I love racers, given the option I would choose to play Mario Kart, even above more conventional realistic racers. For me fun is my only concern, that overides my want for photo-realistic graphics.

Mario Kart Wii will be online, and it will be special. People are dissmissing the wheel as some sort of novelty but I think they are very wrong to do so. Think about it, the way individuals play their Wii for most part is individually distinct. By that I mean it's far less "robotic" than pressing a anologue stick left and right. The majority of my friends also own a Wii, and while playing them at a broad range of games :wink: I have noticed the subtle differences that ultimately effect how they play, and whether they are sucessful, [SSXBlur is the primest example for me so far]. For me, that makes Wii distinct and something special.

When you apply those thought lines to Mario Kart you have a game that is going to be very special, it's going to have more personality than it's ever had before. It's also very likely to have 32 players online, well Reggie did allude to something along those lines Smilie.

[there are a vast selection of characters according to lovely rumours out there].

Mario kart on the DS got Nintendo's Wi Fi service steaming away in the handheld market, I think it's safe to say Nintendo have the same intentions with Mario kart Wii. I think if they can find a perfect balance of new play options and genuine improvements while retaining all that we have loved througout the series, I think most people will be happy. But it's not so easy with something like MK, the problem is people have mixed opinions about what the the definite MK is for one, and also what aspects throughout the series were good!, and bad. On a positive note within the last few days I have now read a few articles that really suggest that Nintendo are looking into feedback from fans on various games. that can only be a good thing. The minute negative about that is that they may be only getting the japanese perspective which has plusses, and negatives. Anyway Mario Kart Wii is going to have you throwing your Wii Wheels in the air!, when we do get it. {LS]

( Edited on 13.07.2007 21:23 by Linkyshinks )

Wrong thread, mate.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Grumbler said:
Wrong thread, mate.

Hey Mario Kart was raised in the thread< i spoke up for my game Smilie{LS]

But yes, I shall cut and paste it into the Mario Kart thread because I cannot be arsed to say it again.

Mario kart is my favorite racing game! I was praising it!

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

Blade2t3 said:
Mario kart is my favorite racing game! I was praising it!

I know!{LS]

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