E3 2007 News | Pikmin Not Dead

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.07.2007 18

With various projects and franchises coming, going, on hold or canned it can be difficult for sequels to hit retail. In a recent interview with Nintendo legend Shigeru Miyamoto, he commented on how it's likely we haven't seen the last of the adorable Pikmin.

In the interview with IGN, he notes "I certainly don't think we've seen the last of Pikmin. I definitely would like to do something with them, and I think the Wii interface in particular is very well suited to that franchise."

Certainly good news for fans of the GameCube original, hopefully the critters will jump onto the Wii in the future.

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W00t! Pikmin!

No Longer Temporarily Banned.

Pikmin went completely of my radar, well anyway it's good to see they are working on the third iteration of the game, the first two GameCube's games were classics.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

It never says they are, just taht it's possible in the future.

Yeah, this is actually a little depressing to me; I figured that versions of Pikmin for both the Wii and DS would already have gotten underway by now for a mid to late 2008 release. I mean, they're using up all their big franchises by Q108, so why wouldn't they be developing games in some of the newer ones?

Then again, it's not like they're gonna put the kind of development time into a Pikmin that they put into a Zelda. And then again, it's not like Miyamoto's job is PR... maybe one or both of them really are underway and he just isn't allowed to confirm it.

Can someone please tell me what is Pikimin?

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Bloody hell...considering Miyamoto stated he was already working on Pikmin 3 before even Pikmin 2 hit retail, you'd think something would have materialised by now Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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jesusraz said:
Bloody hell...considering Miyamoto stated he was already working on Pikmin 3 before even Pikmin 2 hit retail, youd think something would have materialised by now Smilie

What i thought as well Smilie

zcollvee said:
Can someone please tell me what is Pikimin?

You have got to be kidding me.....

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

zcollvee said:
Can someone please tell me what is Pikimin?

Smilie Pikmin is an RTS game. Your character lands on a strange Alien planet (Earth) and discovers a small organic race of mindless slaves, who he must use to help him uncover treasures to pay off his debt (everyday objects).

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From the sounds of the news, Pikmin hasn't even started development.

Good news, but I guess it could skip a gen & do a Metroid. I really think they should do one on Wii, but right now it seems like there are no plans. Shame really.

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I'm sure Miyamoto-san has got some ideas buzzing around in his head. If I remember correctly, before the Wii was first announced he said that it'd fit Pikmin perfectly. I absolutely adore Pikmin, and they better get a new game in the works! I think I might go play Pikmin 1 & 2 again now..

I'll bet LinkyShinks will be happy to see the next Pikmin, as would I. Smilie

<3 Pikmin.

NintendoArielle said:
Ill bet LinkyShinks will be happy to see the next Pikmin, as would I. Smilie<3 Pikmin.

I would fellow Pikmin plucker Smilie{LS]

Ive just seen a video interview with Miyamoto talking about Pikmin for the Wii. He raised his usual smile which I hope is some small indication of that the title is in the works. Hope so Smilie

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( Edited on 13.07.2007 19:17 by Linkyshinks )

I can imagine Pikmin doing a Kid Icarus. Dissapearing and then being brought back to life 3 consoles or so later.

Pikmin is what first got me stated on a home console. Not Mario, not Zelda, not anything else.
From there I tried out the original Spiderman game and thought it ok if not a tad too confusing (so many button combinations o remember!). Then came Animal Crossing and I was hooked again.

I eagerly look forward to both Pikmin and Animal Crossing on the Wii.

ps. here is a letter and response I received from from Daniel Barron, an editor from the CANOE web-site (Canada Online) regarding Pikmin 3...

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 10:53 AM
To: Barron, Daniel
Subject: Pikmin

Hi Daniel.
I read your review of Wario Ware and was impressed enough to buy the game.
My 10 year old son invites his friends over, I invite mine, and occasionally we have a mixed group; regardless, everyone always has a hilarious time playing.
I have now just re-read the article and couldn't agree more with your assessment.
The GameCube game that got me into gaming in the first place was Pikmin, easily my favourite. Your comment at the end of the article has me intrigued. I don't see how Pikmin would be benefited by the Wii remote controller. I sure wouldn't look forward to tossing a hundred Pikmin with a realistic throwing motion!
I am hoping you can give me a little of your insight on how the two - the Wii remote and Pikmin - would work so well together.


Hi Robert,

Thanks a lot for the compliment - I'm glad you liked the review, and it's great that you enjoy the game.

It's also cool to find another Pikmin fan. It was the first game I bought for my GameCube and it (along with its sequel) still stands up as not only two of the best GC games, but two of the best games I've ever played!

As for Pikmin on Wii - I remember just before the Wii Remote was announced (before people knew it was a motion-sensitive controller), someone from Nintendo (it may have actually been Shigeru Miyamoto) said that a third Pikmin game would work very well considering the way the new Nintendo controller works (but of course at that time couldn't give anything more away because we didn't know the big 'secret' of the controller).

When I saw the Wii Remote for the first time, I instantly understood what he was talking about. Imagine just pointing your Remote at the screen and tapping the A-button to activate just one or two idle Pikmin; holding it down a bit longer to activate several, or holding it down and waving the remote around the screen to activate all your Pikmin to follow you around. It's almost like using a mouse (and remember how much easier it is to control real-time strategy games - which Pikmin essentially is - on a PC!). As for swinging the remote to throw Pikmin?

Well, two things: first, you wouldn't necessarily HAVE to swing the remote to throw the Pikmin - you could theoretically just aim and press the A-button or B-button to throw them. BUT, I agree with you that chances are Nintendo WOULD want to incorporate the throwing motion. Even if that's the case, I wouldn't have a problem with that. Have you played Twilight Princess for Wii? There's a lot of swinging involved with that when swinging Link's sword, but it never, ever got annoying or tiring to me. In fact, usually when I play it, I almost completely forget I'm doing it!! It's like second nature.

I hope I'm making sense here so you see what I'm thinking here in terms of Pikmin 3 for Wii (which is bound to happen sometime!!). Using the Wii Remote to point and aim the Pikmin (and I suppose using the Nunchuk to move Olimar) just seems to make so much sense to me.

Either way, we'll see. I'll even try to give you a shout back if/when Pikmin 3 is announced. Hopefully, with us both being such big fans of the series, Nintendo will manage to make both of us happy.

Once again, thanks for reading, and I appreciate the comments. Have a great day,

Daniel Barron
Online Editor
CANOE Network
[email protected]

Canada's Content Destination
for over 6.7 million* visitors!

( Edited on 13.07.2007 18:43 by BlueRocks )

( Edited on 13.07.2007 18:45 by BlueRocks )

Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.

jesusraz said:
Bloody hell...considering Miyamoto stated he was already working on Pikmin 3 before even Pikmin 2 hit retail, youd think something would have materialised by now Smilie

:shock: I did not know that, my understanding is that he had to leave out some play options he had intended for the already fine Pikmin2. [LS]

( Edited on 13.07.2007 19:19 by Linkyshinks )

Ofcourse he is going to make Pikmin3 the other 2 games sold very well and they are pretty damn fun to play! Smilie

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Crazy! said:
Ofcourse he is going to make Pikmin3 the other 2 games sold very well and they are pretty damn fun to play! Smilie

The "foirst" game had me dreaming about them Smilie.

Above all Miyamoto's games, even Zelda [which is a derived concept], that game has inspired my as a Artist. By that I mean in the metaphorical sense of their being magic in the smallest of things. I love nature, I guess Miyamoto has ideologies akin to that of mine, that's why I like the game especially..{LS]

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