E3 2007 Screens | Smash Update: Donkey Kong Does Brawl

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.07.2007 16

Eagle-eyed readers noticed Nintendo's favourite ape prancing about in the E3 2007 short trailer for Smash Bros. Brawl, and today the Official Dojo site confirms the return of Donkey Kong to the playable roster.

It's Donkey Kong, ruler of the jungle. The original giant powerhouse makes a triumphant return!

Looks like his giant punch is still the haymaker you remember. Don't doubt his strength or you'll end up with the ultimate headache!

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Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (594 Votes)

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Looking pretty good, the ape is certainly hairier than ever!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Smilie Definitely the best looking character model so far! That looks incredible, look at his hair.

Just reminds me of how good a new Donkey Kong adventure game would look on the Wii. Sadly, I don't think it's going to happen though. Smilie

Needs moar Starfox Adventures hair.

He was in that tiny E3 trailer?Smilie Never saw him although I guess Nintendo rushed the part about SSBB to get to more important things.

Did you know it's games like Nintendogs, Brain Age and Wii Sports that are increasing the gaming population?Smilie

Character models 10/10
every other texture in the game 4/10

Seriously people look how ugly the floors and backgrounds look.

Haha zelda looks funny, they would've used Peach though if they had unveiled her.

Definitely one of the best looking characters so far.

He looks nice & fluffy. The first screen is a funny little tribute to Pauline & Mazza I reckon. Smilie

I'm wondering if they intended to reveal him yesterday? Well anyway, it looks like we also got a 15 second teaser trailer of gameplay, with about 2 seconds of stuff not seen at E3 near the end. Hopefully more soon I guess.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Ph00p said:
Character models 10/10 every other texture in the game 4/10 Seriously people look how ugly the floors and backgrounds look.

You do realise your not going to be playing the game that close up?

Anyway no surprise loooking good although the Jungle Beat DK looked better.

I think they would have done Jungle Beat DK, but I guess they wanted him to match the style of all the other characters in the game, that's the thing with Smash Bros, they have to make it look like noone is really out of place.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Kong sure looks swish. Glad to see him announced he was my second favourite character in Melee.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

I'm very surprised they came up with an entirely new Donkey Kong model - I thought they might've used the Jungle Beat one.

This one looks exactly like his Donkey Kong Country model, which I absolutely love. Now all we need are Diddy and Dixie!Smilie

( Edited on 13.07.2007 15:16 by Eblel )

You people are mad, his model isn't even that good... The hair looks crap, most PS2 games have better looking hair than that. If it looked like

THEN it'd be good... But even then the Jungle Beat one looked way better... I don't get why they didn't use their awesome hair thing that they used in SFA and Jungle Beat.

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I guess he doesn't look quite as fantastic as he could have. But meh, I really don't care.

I think he looks a lot better than the Jungle Beat Model. He's more defined and suits the style of the game. Having the fluffy Starfox/JungeBeat hair wouldn't have fitted in.

Jungle Beat

Smash Bros. Brawl

Jungle Beat

Smash Bros. Brawl

To me, it definately looks a lot better.

I loved the Jungle Beat model - I thought it looked great when he wasn't grinning like a cheshire cat. But this looks tons better.

Mainly because he looks exactly like he did in Donkey Kong Country. I never, ever would've expected to see HAL create a 3D model to fully look like his DKC renders/sprites.

And the fur looks much better, because it looks tidier, and more well-defined. I actually think it gives Donkey Kong more of a 'grown up' look, much like Mario with his spiffy, detailed jeans.

I'd actually love it if they used this model in the next big Donkey Kong adventure.

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