E3 2007 Media | Mario Party Shrinks to Nintendo DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.07.2007 15

In a rather quiet announcement, Nintendo have revealed that the iconic Mario Party series is going portable as Mario and friends throw a bash and steal stars in Mario Party DS.

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Box art for Mario Party DS








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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Will it be like Mario Party Advance? Or will it be like a proper Mario Party? It could be good on the go if done properly. Sounds interesting. One to watch I guess ^^;.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

It's probally better than the Wii version looking at the effort that went into that. If this is good, or if this is bad, it will sell well either way, it's Mario Party!.

I have never owned one, and am not likely to, but I appreciate any Nintendo franchise tha makes more money for Nintendo to divert into the the development of Nintndo games that I do love. [LS]

( Edited on 12.07.2007 00:06 by Linkyshinks )

Nice - hopefully they'll really push the boat with this one, or else the series really is doomed to failure - would be a big, big shame.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Another one?! I'm a little tired of the Mario Party series, quite frankly. If they actually begin to make it more skill-based than luck-based, then maybe this one will be decent. Smilie

NintendoArielle said:
Another one?! Im a little tired of the Mario Party series, quite frankly. If they actually begin to make it more skill-based than luck-based, then maybe this one will be decent. Smilie

Aye, very true - although skill has gotten a bigger role in recent versions. the N64 ones, although brilliant, were so annoyingly flukey!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
NintendoArielle said:Another one?! Im a little tired of the Mario Party series, quite frankly. If they actually begin to make it more skill-based than luck-based, then maybe this one will be decent. Smilie
Aye, very true - although skill has gotten a bigger role in recent versions. the N64 ones, although brilliant, were so annoyingly flukey!

Are you sure about that? I thought the recent ones seemed to be extremely luck-based compared to what I can remember of the N64 ones.

It's looking great on the DS. Hopefully they will use the touch screen effectively to make some fun mini games.

NintendoArielle said:
jb said:
NintendoArielle said:Another one?! Im a little tired of the Mario Party series, quite frankly. If they actually begin to make it more skill-based than luck-based, then maybe this one will be decent. Smilie
Aye, very true - although skill has gotten a bigger role in recent versions. the N64 ones, although brilliant, were so annoyingly flukey!
Are you sure about that? I thought the recent ones seemed to be extremely luck-based compared to what I can remember of the N64 ones.

My memories of the N64 version I played many years ago are a bit vague, but I remember it being pretty much all luck (roll die, see where you land).

The Wii version, in contrast, actually has a fair amount of strategy to it (lots of choices to make which actually affected the outcome). Still a lot of luck to it, but it's more like a good boardgame.

I love the Mario Party games and all, but I don't think a DS version will match up to 4 friends sitting in front of the same TV. At least you can play it multiplayer with one cartridge ^^ that would be a CRIME if you couldn't.

Mongo said:
NintendoArielle said:
jb said:
NintendoArielle said:Another one?! Im a little tired of the Mario Party series, quite frankly. If they actually begin to make it more skill-based than luck-based, then maybe this one will be decent. Smilie
Aye, very true - although skill has gotten a bigger role in recent versions. the N64 ones, although brilliant, were so annoyingly flukey!
Are you sure about that? I thought the recent ones seemed to be extremely luck-based compared to what I can remember of the N64 ones.
My memories of the N64 version I played many years ago are a bit vague, but I remember it being pretty much all luck (roll die, see where you land).The Wii version, in contrast, actually has a fair amount of strategy to it (lots of choices to make which actually affected the outcome). Still a lot of luck to it, but its more like a good boardgame.

Hmmmm, yeah, I guess item use and such in the newer ones do add a bit more strategy. Also, the boards (once again, from what I vaguely remember,) seem to have gotten better.

the graphics r amazing

Conduit FC: 0431-6660-0908

4 on 1 cart play is good, it'll work in the way Mario Party Advance never did. It'll be like a proper Mario Party on N64 in your little DS.

Still ,I hope they kill the series soon, or limit it to one per gen. There's no reason for so many games. It's like, annual updates, but having to buy entire games to get them.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

im hoping for at least one more mario party for the wii, MP8 got the concept down, but i'm hoping to see a more refined release soon.

Many wifi games, PM me to play!

Looks like a PSone game Smilie

Oni-Ninja said:
Looks like a PSone game Smilie

Says Oni-Ninja mockingly towards the DS, after he has tried to force us, the Nintendo DS-freaks, into believing the Nintendo DS is only as powerful as a PSone on several occasions.. Smilie

"The Nintendo DS is as powerful as a PSone, but it's games look like Psone gamesSmilie" >.>

( Edited on 27.07.2007 03:14 by Ino Faust )

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

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