E3 2007 Media | Metroid Prime 3 Screentastic Wii Update

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.07.2007 30

Samus Aran whips out her bad-boy as she travels across space yet again to exterminate a whole pack of menacing alien-scum and to reap the rewards of her efforts. Her latest adventure, Corruption, was shown earlier today with some tasty screens and videos to melt over.

Have a look through the screens album below for even more Metroid Prime 3 action...

Box art for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption





First Person Shooter



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Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (201 Votes)

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The woman playing it was shit, and it seemed like she was mean to switch visors when he said but didn't. Apart from that very nice, especially the free aim lock on, might make multiple enemies a little easier.

Is that the woman that they use for Samus in the adverts for Metroid? I have not checked up on it, but she looks similar from what I can remember.

Looking fantastic. I love her suit in the fourth shot down.

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Monkeyman said:
Is that the woman that they use for Samus in the adverts for Metroid? I have not checked up on it, but she looks similar from what I can remember.Looking fantastic. I love her suit in the fourth shot down.

Check out the new trailer for it - rather awesomeerific.

Is looking great, like the idea of the free aim, should make it feel a bit less cheap when using the lock on and hopfully make battles a bit more exciting.

Guest 11.07.2007#5

What happened to her trousers?

I think the control system can only dissapoint. They go on and on and ON about how perfect it is, I just have to try it out.

Simply stunning. [LS]

Looks pretty good so far, like that federation/power suit combo, can't wait to see how that works out in the game. First pics of it I saw I thought it was her corrupted suit.

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

Monkeyman said:
Is that the woman that they use for Samus in the adverts for Metroid? I have not checked up on it, but she looks similar from what I can remember.Looking fantastic. I love her suit in the fourth shot down.

No, in the press conference they said she was from the site TheHylia (not sure if you've heard of it, since it's American.)

Fart said:
What happened to her trousers?I think the control system can only dissapoint. They go on and on and ON about how perfect it is, I just have to try it out.

It's a style for pants here in the United States. The rips are supposed to look "cool." Smilie

Anyway, why so pessimistic? I think the controls will be great. Smilie

Linkyshinks said:
Simply stunning. [LS]

You said it! I love Metroid one of my fav series ever... sometime i think i like it even more then Mario & Zelda... Smilie anyway this game looks awsome and i cant wait to play!!! Smilie *The excitement in my pants is irresistible!* Smilie

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Crazy! said:
Linkyshinks said:Simply stunning. [LS]
You said it! I love Metroid one of my fav series ever... sometime i think i like it even more then Mario & Zelda... Smilie anyway this game looks awsome and i cant wait to play!!! Smilie *The excitement in my pants is irresistible!* Smilie

I'm excited for Metroid, but not that much haha. Smilie

For some reason, Samus' Galactic Federation Suit (for lack of a proper title) seems to remind me of Project H.A.M.M.E.R. (RIP) for some reason.. Smilie

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Obviously someone just showed these guys the new Metroid video.

( Edited on 12.07.2007 02:03 by Co Chief Resident John Dorian )

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Looks fun Smilie Need to download the trailer

Sorry to double post, but I think you will find this interesting. This is off IGN's hands on.

US, July 11, 2007 - For some reason, Retro Studios' anticipated first-person adventure sequel, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, doesn't photograph well. Many of the officially released screenshots of the title look bland, a complaint raised all too often by message board addicts. But we've just compiled two hours with a two-level demonstration of the title and we can tell you, it sure looks good in motion. The game runs in 480 progressive-scan and true 16:9 widescreen mode, which is a first for the series. The artistic presentation of the space stations, craft and planets that make up the universe is very impressive, seemingly more on par with the original Prime than its purple-drenched sequel. Textures are crisper and polished with extra effects such as specular highlights on Aran's ship, for example. Environments are larger and architecture more defined. And while it may seem trivial to some, the inclusion of bloom lighting goes a long way, as bright sources like lava and monitors now glow with welcomed style and realism. All of this and the title seldom dips below a fluidity of 60 frames per second.


It plays better than any first-person console game ever... really. And it's one of Wii's best lookers, too.

Maybe I was right after all to place my trust into this game and Retro Studios, who yet to disappoint me.

I shall say it again, simply stunning. This first vid shows the scene that everyone was drooling over the other day-


[vids taken from a private view of the demo][LS]

( Edited on 12.07.2007 12:35 by Linkyshinks )

Well I don't know if anyone noticed in the E3 conference but even Nintendo have now lowered themselves to calling it a first person shooter. An FPS is not what Metroid should be, the original MP and MP2 were great adventure games, but ever since then the series has gone in completely the wrong direction.

But it always a FPS, just not your generic one. Its a FPS/adventure hybrid, just like you can have action adventure games.

Z said:
Sorry to double post, but I think you will find this interesting. This is off IGNs hands on.
US, July 11, 2007 - For some reason, Retro Studios anticipated first-person adventure sequel, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, doesnt photograph well. Many of the officially released screenshots of the title look bland, a complaint raised all too often by message board addicts. But weve just compiled two hours with a two-level demonstration of the title and we can tell you, it sure looks good in motion. The game runs in 480 progressive-scan and true 16:9 widescreen mode, which is a first for the series. The artistic presentation of the space stations, craft and planets that make up the universe is very impressive, seemingly more on par with the original Prime than its purple-drenched sequel. Textures are crisper and polished with extra effects such as specular highlights on Arans ship, for example. Environments are larger and architecture more defined. And while it may seem trivial to some, the inclusion of bloom lighting goes a long way, as bright sources like lava and monitors now glow with welcomed style and realism. All of this and the title seldom dips below a fluidity of 60 frames per second.
It plays better than any first-person console game ever... really. And its one of Wiis best lookers, too.
Maybe I was right after all to place my trust into this game and Retro Studios, who yet to disappoint me.

That's good to hear because from the videos i been seeing, the game does look bland in many places and I always think i'm looking at a GC game.

Z said:
But it always a FPS, just not your generic one. Its a FPS/adventure hybrid, just like you can have action adventure games.

In the same way that Zelda is a fighting game, just not your generic one.

Those IGN Videos.....


Well does it really matter what genre people classify the game as? It doesn't bring it down in any way.

Z said:
Well does it really matter what genre people classify the game as? It doesnt bring it down in any way.

It doesn't matter what people call the game, no, but the fact is that MP3 is looking too much like an FPS (by my deffinition), and not enough like what made the other games great.

It's a metroid game it's pretty much it's own genre, might look like a FPS but it don't play like your regular ones.

And yes HOLY FUCK indeed.

mOojc said:
Z said:Sorry to double post, but I think you will find this interesting. This is off IGNs hands on.
US, July 11, 2007 - For some reason, Retro Studios anticipated first-person adventure sequel, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, doesnt photograph well. Many of the officially released screenshots of the title look bland, a complaint raised all too often by message board addicts. But weve just compiled two hours with a two-level demonstration of the title and we can tell you, it sure looks good in motion. The game runs in 480 progressive-scan and true 16:9 widescreen mode, which is a first for the series. The artistic presentation of the space stations, craft and planets that make up the universe is very impressive, seemingly more on par with the original Prime than its purple-drenched sequel. Textures are crisper and polished with extra effects such as specular highlights on Arans ship, for example. Environments are larger and architecture more defined. And while it may seem trivial to some, the inclusion of bloom lighting goes a long way, as bright sources like lava and monitors now glow with welcomed style and realism. All of this and the title seldom dips below a fluidity of 60 frames per second.
It plays better than any first-person console game ever... really. And its one of Wiis best lookers, too.
Maybe I was right after all to place my trust into this game and Retro Studios, who yet to disappoint me.
Thats good to hear because from the videos i been seeing, the game does look bland in many places and I always think im looking at a GC game.

Watch the IGN vids!= HOLY FUCK!. [LS]

Sorry I could not embed them, IGN vids dont embed properly when they are exclusive to download to insiders.

I will see them tomorrow, on a proper connection. Smilie

Another wallpaper for y'all if ya want it.

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