Nintendo Wii Media | Forever Blue Japanese Boxart

By James Temperton 11.07.2007 3

Quick News: One last piece of news before we start preparing for the Nintendo Conference (starting in under thirty minutes, folks). We've got some pretty boxart to share with you for the Wii title Forever Blue. This is the Japanese one, so expect the US and European ones to be a lot more hideous and tasteless. Let us know what you think.

  • Forver Blue Japanese Boxart

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    That's a very nice, relaxing boxart. I am just unsure as to whether the game will have enough depth (no pun intended) to be worthy of a purchase. If the Wi-Fi is good I might give it a go though.

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    I want this game, ive been waiting on this one since launch, hope it's all that I expect it to be. Online Co-Op diving with friends is just what I want. Collecting and treasure hunting in wrecks is also what I want. Give it to me NOW!. We need to have that Box art also, please. [LS]

    ( Edited on 11.07.2007 17:00 by Linkyshinks )

    I bet it won't come out here for ages.

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

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