E3 2007 Media | Soul Calibur Legends Trailer (Nintendo Wii)

By Adam Riley 11.07.2007 29

Bandai Namco has finally started to leak more details about 2007's exclusive Wii release, Soul Calibur Legends, and to celebrate, there is a new trailer for the game available for all to see. Check out the impress clip below:

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Box art for SoulCalibur Legends

Namco Bandai







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Link was actually ok surprisingly. At first I thought he was crap, but ya Talim is really good.

this basically looks looks a "propper" attempt at the mission mode in the first 3 games. where you'd have to kinda imagine the setting and the story because every fight took place on some lil stage, which you'd fight in on the normal arcade mode.

With this it looks you like actually do travel etc.

It looks really good, I think. Smilie

why does the gamepage for this game say it's 1player?

( Edited on 13.07.2007 21:05 by J Tangle )

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