E3 2007 Media | Soul Calibur Legends Trailer (Nintendo Wii)

By Adam Riley 11.07.2007 29

Bandai Namco has finally started to leak more details about 2007's exclusive Wii release, Soul Calibur Legends, and to celebrate, there is a new trailer for the game available for all to see. Check out the impress clip below:

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Box art for SoulCalibur Legends

Namco Bandai







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Wait...is this game 1:1 movement?? Because the trailer leads me to believe it is!!

Oh and I take back all the spin-off negative comments because this looks badass.

^^ ohhh cant wait i hope the game is not just hiting alot of things

Pretty damn good! Liking the looks of this Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

looks awesome plus the co-op, i can't wait

Awesome! I had received my latest issue of Nintendo Power a few days ago and read the in-depth article pertaining to Soul Caliber Legends. After reading it my entire outlook on the game has changed completely. I couldn't help but think "Oh. My. God. This is going to be GOOD." Judging from the trailer, it's looking like it will be. lol Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

hey look its god of war....oh wait nevermind

I Rule.

Yeah, unlike other fighting game spin-offs, this is actually being worked on by the cream of the crop developers, most of which have strong Soul Calibur heritage.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Definitely looks fun, and the Wii controls don't look too bad either.

Now where's Link?

Look fantastic, and it's still deep in development, which is even more promising for what the final product will show. [LS]

Yes, I think controls may work, it looks stunning and it feels great. I definitely want a good action packed game for Wii. These are the games I speak of when I say, that some games are missing from Wii lineup.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Smilie Looks like I need to download this trailer. Positive impressions people, that is a good start.

jedibmoney said:
hey look its god of war....oh wait nevermind

Thats a good thing! - I can't wait for this now Smilie

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++
Guest 11.07.2007#13

Co op should be very cool!

But there is no excuse for these graphics. It looks sub Gamecube level. Smilie

Fart said:
Co op should be very cool!But there is no excuse for these graphics. It looks sub Gamecube level. Smilie

No it doesn't? I think it looks around the same as SCII, with faster gameplay, bigger environments, more enemies on screen, and better animations..

And is it just me, or does the trailer look like it was filmed off a screen? It has this weird "camrip" effect to it..

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

It reminds me a little of Dynasty Warriors - one of my favourite game series.
Love the co-op option, but not so keen on the graphics.

Oh boy, I want thisSmilie

But only 4 characters? What about Hwang? His move-set was my fave...Smilie

Guest 11.07.2007#17

Ino Faust said:
Fart said:Co op should be very cool!But there is no excuse for these graphics. It looks sub Gamecube level. Smilie
No it doesnt? I think it looks around the same as SCII, with faster gameplay, bigger environments, more enemies on screen, and better animations.. And is it just me, or does the trailer look like it was filmed off a screen? It has this weird camrip effect to it..

Faster gameplay? Where do you see that? There was a fast montage of attacks around the middle, but there was nothing to be seen that was faster than a random combo in II.
The textures look shite on the evironments and enemies, and collision detection on the characters isn't really great either.

I thought this game would be shit, this trailer may have proved me wrong, it looks like Namco will try with the controls, & could that be... CoOp?! SmilieSmilieSmilie

Anyway, now all it's missing is Link, Kilik & Sophitia. Smilie

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Don't forget Talim, or Xiangua.(god damn I can never spell thatSmilie)

Yeah, the only characters they put in there are the ones I don't usually like. Sigfried is OK, but only because he can finish an SCII match in seconds by spamming a heavy attack.

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I wonder how soul edge actually fits in this game. Smilie

They should make link a playable character..with his good old fishing rod.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Darkspine S said:
Oh boy, I want thisSmilieBut only 4 characters? What about Hwang? His move-set was my fave...Smilie

Other chacaters may become accessible as you progress I would hope. [LS]

I am not too fussed about the amount of characters, more so the amount of enemies.

Z said:
I am not too fussed about the amount of characters, more so the amount of enemies.

Yeah not alot of enemies on the screen at once they should work on that, but I would still like to to see Link and Talim in the game atleast as unlockables They were to of the best from SC2. very good land to air combos.

( Edited on 11.07.2007 15:35 by J Tangle )

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