E3 2007 Screens | Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Wii/DS)

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.07.2007 25

The first batch of screens from Sega/Nintendo's upcoming Olympic-mascot-orgy have hit the web from the respective Wii and DS versions.

Wii Version:

More Screens

DS Version:

More Screens

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Box art for Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games








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I am liking this.

It looks nice, the Wii one is bound to look better in motion too, & the DS one looks really good.

The funny thing is, all the characters don't seem out of place, they go well next to each other, it seems to work really well.

I swear I tipped this Smilie

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Superlink you should block jb as his punishment!!!

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The DS version is looking suprisingly good.

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I never thought i would say this... but that looks good... o_O

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

DS game looks incredible. The Wii version looks terrible.

Mario faster than Sonic, that's crazy!

Crazy! said:
I never thought i would say this... but that looks good... o_O

I have to agree, and what with a killa marketing campaign you can see these titles doing very well. Looks like Sonic is taking part in some Archery in that first DS screen. It would be good if they released some list with all the diciplines the games features. [LS]

( Edited on 11.07.2007 12:25 by Linkyshinks )

I'm still not convinced, and the idea that Sonic would loose a race to Mario is quite daft really.

Nintendo Lad said:
Im still not convinced, and the idea that Sonic would loose a race to Mario is quite daft really.
It is, they'd better make it believable. The Wii version, as with most Wii games, is bound to look better in motion.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Maybe Sonic'll get tricked into eating a slow-down mushroom or something.Smilie

That sounds like the plot for a Mario Party game O_O

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Can you think of a better one?Smilie

Videogames dont need logic, they just need to be fun Smilie The Tortoise beat the Hare remember.[LS]

( Edited on 11.07.2007 12:27 by Linkyshinks )

How about no plot Smilie

But this is a SEGA/Nintendo collab. What are the chances in it just being a completely random friendly Olympics? We'll prolly get a Sonic Shuffle/Pinball Party/Mario Party/DDR Mario style story Smilie

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You dont need much of a thick plot for a multiplayer button mashing competition Smilie .

They have not revealed all the events but it's safe to say they will include the most popular events at the Olympics, and stories will be based around them bieng at the whole event itself. [LS]

All the screens of video games on computer screens look horrible!
So I have worked on it to see how it would look on the TVSmilie(or DS)
The wii version is distorted the DS version could possibly be sweetSmilie Its at least looking like a DS game how ever the wii wont be much good cause look at it: P1 here looks like a bubble at least a players name should be there. The foes look like they are kissing the ground

Linkyshinks said:
Videogames dont need logic, they just need to be fun Smilie

Spoken like a true gamerSmilie

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Fair enough. So we just have to accept that a Hedgehog that can match the speed of light can lose a race to a fat plumber.

Hmm, fair enough.

I hope there is no story at all. All characters will be equal and it will be your own skill level that determines who's the fastest.

I've got the last official olympics game "Athens 2004" and looking at the number of events in that game, I think this one will be great. Plus the Sonic/Mario characters will take away the bore at looking at normal looking unknown athletes from previous games. I just hope Nintendo have at least some input, graphics wise, and aren't just leaving Sega to do it all. I'd be great if it had Mario Galaxy graphics when released.

Darkspine S said:
Fair enough. So we just have to accept that a Hedgehog that can match the speed of light can lose a race to a fat plumber.Hmm, fair enough.
Correction, he can match the speed of sound, he can only match the speed of light if he's in his Super Soinc transformation. Smilie

EDIT: Shigsy is the official Supervisor for the game, so it'll prolly turn out fine. Mario will prolly end up the best character in the game because of Shigsy, but oh well. Smilie

( Edited on 11.07.2007 12:41 by SuperLink )

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The Wii version doesn't look too bad to be honest, graphically.

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SuperLink said:
Darkspine S said:Fair enough. So we just have to accept that a Hedgehog that can match the speed of light can lose a race to a fat plumber.Hmm, fair enough.
Correction, he can match the speed of sound, he can only match the speed of light if hes in his Super Soinc transformation. Smilie

I hang my head in shame.Smilie

and I call myself a sonic fan.Smilie

The Tortoise beat the Hare remember

Well we don't have a tortoise or a hare. We DO have a terrapin type thing and a rabbit...

Actually forget that analogy, Bowser is super slow and Cream the rabbit is retarded (she doesn't realise hat she needs to be on the line). It's all up in the air Smilie

Sonic is destined to win all of the running races isn't he really?

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SuperLink said:
It looks nice, the Wii one is bound to look better in motion too, & the DS one looks really good.The funny thing is, all the characters dont seem out of place, they go well next to each other, it seems to work really well.I swear I tipped this Smilie

I agree. It didn't feel awkward at all. The only thing that concerns me is how they could all run against each other if Sonic can reach supersonic speed when no one else can. Maybe there'll be a story about Sonic losing his ability to run at his normal speed or something.

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