Nintendo News | More Resident Evil Wii-makes from Capcom?

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.07.2007 13

In a recent interview with Capcom's Masachika Kawata, he discussed the future of the Biohazard/Resident Evil series and the recent Wii efforts being tests to see how zombie antics would perform on Nintendo's latest system.

Speaking with Jeux-France, he expresses interest in remaking past iterations in a similar style to Resident Evil Wii.

With the upcoming Wii version, Umbrella Chronicles, the team is exploring the possibilities of the Wii-remote/nunchuck, highlighting that they intend to make it far more then a standard point and shoot. No online mode is planned, so players can wave a heartfelt goodbye to co-op over the Internet.

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If they do embark on this they will have to well respect the heritage and make them as consideratly as they did RE4 Wii. In respect to some of the titles they will have to significently improve upon them. [LS]

This is what i understood.... RE0 Wii, REmake Wii, RE2 Wii, RE3 Wii.....

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

The porting and remaking of RE games became ridiculous a very long time ago. Enough!

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

How many games have they remade, then? Because so far I actually only know of REmake.. And I just woke up, so I'm too tired to remember more anyways, but, enlighten me, of great Grumbler in the Sky(Or wherever you sit when grumblingSmilie)

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Resident Evil GBC (not released), REmake, RESmilieS

Resident Evil 2 for, Dreamcast and Gamecube

Resident Evil 3 for Dreamcast and Gamecube

Resident Evil Code: Veronica X for PS2 and Gamecube

Resident Evil 4 for Wii

( Edited on 10.07.2007 00:39 by Grumbler )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Grumbler said:
Resident Evil GBC (not released), REmake, RESmilieSResident Evil 2 for, Dreamcast and GamecubeResident Evil 3 for Dreamcast and GamecubeResident Evil Code: Veronica X for PS2 and GamecubeResident Evil 4 for Wii( Edited on 10.07.2007 00:39 by Grumbler )

Aren't most of those more like just ports rather than REmakes? Because I wouldn't exactly call RE4 Wii a REmake, seeing how it's gotten nothing in the way of graphical updates. Ah well, don't give a crap, only ever played REmake , RE4, and RE2, so basically, I haven't exactly had my RE Fix just jetSmilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

I'd be happy enough with remakes in the same way as the Gamecube Resident Evil (although the improved voice acting made it lose a certain something lol).

Have only played the first one (on the PS1 originally, just started playing the Gamecube remake!), the 2nd, 3rd (both on PS1) and of course number 4 (on PS2 and now on the Wii.

I was aiming to buy the Gamecube versions of the others but might hold on just in case they remake them from the ground up for the Wii in 'proper' 3D but am not really holding my'll take them ages. :cooldude:

well res evil 4 doing well so come one make res 5 too for it XD

I wouldn't mind more Wiimakes of pass Resident Evil titles as I never played any of the previous titles except Resident Evil 4 and having them with Wii controls would be great. Though considering how old the game is, it would definitely have to be in some sort of "pack" similar to something like FF1+2/Dawn of Souls.

The main remake so far has indeed just been Resident Evil on GameCube, where there was something like 75% new content included along with the aesthetic overhaul.

RE2 on N64 looked great, but if it was re-done in the style of RE4 with a bunch of extras in I'd definitely consider it. The RE4 style is a must, since I hated the RE series before that due to the annoying static cameras and subsequent character control issues.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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jesusraz said:
The RE4 style is a must, since I hated the RE series before that due to the annoying static cameras and subsequent character control issues.

Aye, exactly the reason why I never played past Resident Evil titles before. After playing Resident Evil 4 on Wii, I'm hooked. Would be great to experience the other Resident Evil titles with enhanced controls.

What is it with Japanese developers and remakes? Its worse than the movie industry now.

REmake on Gamecube felt like a totally new game compared to the orignal. I want to play through RE2 and 3 on Gamecube but they are only PS1 ports so they probably suck. I want them to remake those games. And that doesnt mean adding fancy controls, they need to do what they did to the orginal and make the game from the ground up.

( Edited on 10.07.2007 20:00 by Erotic_Spider )

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

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