The latest update on the Smash Bros. Dojo details how players perform various attacks, from simple standard punches and kicks to smashing on the various available control options.
Standard Attack

Hitting the primary attack button performs a regular attack - from a punches to sword slashes.
Stronger Attack

A slightly stronger attack is initiated by tilting the control stick (or pressing right on the D-pad for the Wii-mote alone), and pressing the attack button.
Smash Attack

For full-blown smashes, players tap the analogue stick quickly and whack the attack button. For the Wii-mote alone, players press both 1&2 for a smash.
Since the name for smash attack is derived from the game's name, you can assume they're pretty important.Swiftly tilt the Control Stick left, right, up, or down, and simultaneously attack! When you link the feeling of this control with the result of sending an opponent flying, I think you'll start to see the crux of this game.
At first, don't overthink things. It's OK to just tilt the stick and mash some buttons. Ease yourself into it.

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