Nintendo Media | Smash Update: Smash Attacks

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.07.2007 18

The latest update on the Smash Bros. Dojo details how players perform various attacks, from simple standard punches and kicks to smashing on the various available control options.

Standard Attack

Hitting the primary attack button performs a regular attack - from a punches to sword slashes.

Stronger Attack

A slightly stronger attack is initiated by tilting the control stick (or pressing right on the D-pad for the Wii-mote alone), and pressing the attack button.

Smash Attack

For full-blown smashes, players tap the analogue stick quickly and whack the attack button. For the Wii-mote alone, players press both 1&2 for a smash.

Since the name for smash attack is derived from the game's name, you can assume they're pretty important.

Swiftly tilt the Control Stick left, right, up, or down, and simultaneously attack! When you link the feeling of this control with the result of sending an opponent flying, I think you'll start to see the crux of this game.

At first, don't overthink things. It's OK to just tilt the stick and mash some buttons. Ease yourself into it.

Be sure to stick around for updates...

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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This is nothinig new really it's the same as melee.


I think there is, we're finally begginning to see how the Wiimote can actually work for this game. Also that bottom picture is cool Smilie

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Smilie wow 2 Standard Attack lol ^^ some one fix it lol

SuperLink stop looking at her butt

I think it's great they've created setups for all the different controllers.

Better for us at the end of the day - more choice for us!

I find it weird how they've got B as the primary attack button on the classic setup - tis A on other controllers - GC you've got A on the right of B, same with N64 (well, kinda).

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

YEah nothing new really... like SL said it only shows how you can use the Wii mote

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Seems simple enough, nothing that you would not expect certainly. That last pic does indeed look great. [LS]

Mario's overalls looks so sweet. Smilie

Link's stance in the last photo looks sweet too. It looks like he is counter-attacking, instead of charging up for a smash move.

It seems kind of funny that you have to press two buttons to do a smash attack with the Wii-mote. I'm going to be trying out the Classic controller first. The controls seem smooth by looking at it on paper.

Imo the classic controller looks a bit uncomfortable with the controle stick down there Smilie.
GC pad still sounding like the best option.

Yeah everyone knows the Classic Controller's design is abysmal. Gamecube controller is definitely the way to go. I'm just gonna have to buy another 3...

Also does anyone think that Mario looks like he's broken many of his limbs in this screen? I can't seem to work out which way he's supposed to be facing. It almost looks like one of his legs is on backwards

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Jump_button said:
SuperLink stop looking at her butt
SuperLink said:
Also that bottom picture is cool Smilie
lol I said bottom Smilie Smilie

Megadanxzero said:
Also does anyone think that Mario looks like hes broken many of his limbs in this screen? I cant seem to work out which way hes supposed to be facing. It almost looks like one of his legs is on backwards
Well... it's Mario Smilie I don't really know any other way to describe it, but on one episode of Naruto, Sasuke's face looks really fucked up for about a mini second. That's almost completely irrelevant, but the fact remains that you don't notice it in motion Smilie

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Blade2t3 said:
Imo the classic controller looks a bit uncomfortable with the controle stick down there Smilie.GC pad still sounding like the best option.

I'm comfortable with it, but then again I have to wait and see and actually played the game with it. I want to see if any other controller is more comfy than to just spend my money on another GCN controller.

But, I will most likely go with my Wavebird. Smilie

I have 5 GC controllers, so using GC controllers is no problem at all for me & all my friends. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I wouldn't mind using the classic controller. I think there'll be a big update on the 10th. Smilie

Of course. Sonic will be announced, while some people will die a little inside, and I laugh.

we didn't see nothin new yet we already know this stuff..but hey keep it up,....can't wait for some actionsSmilie

Looks good...i like how the changed the shading to make it look better ^^; but i mean...i thought using the Wiimote to like punch or something would be cool...>_> but no...^^

Nakushin said:
we didnt see nothin new yet we already know this stuff..but hey keep it up,....cant wait for some actionsSmilie

You already new that you would have to push both 1&2 to do a smash attack with the Wii mote? And you knew that there would be no motion sensing with any of the attacks? Wow do you work for the site? Whats next?

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