
By Adam Riley 04.07.2007 5

Disney on Spectrobes (Nintendo DS) & the Future of the Series
Interview by Adam Riley :: Wednesday July 4th 2007

It is not everyday you see a company take major risks in this Industry. However, when Disney announced that it was going to build a new franchise in Spectrobes, many were clearly shocked. Not only was this to start off as a computer game, rather than anime first, it would be exclusively released on Nintendo's touch-screen portable, the DS, rather than across multiple formats. But it certainly paid off as the game has been a massive worldwide smash hit! Cubed3 caught up with the company to talk about the DS title and more.

Cubed3: First of all, could you please tell our readers how you were involved in the project and how long it took to complete the development process?

Kentaro Hisai, Producer of Spectrobes: I was involved in this project as a producer and the development took one and a half year.

C3: What were some of the hurdles involved in working with a brand new IP such as this?

KH: The hurdle was to create new story and innovative game play most. Those are what players expected, I believe. But I was enjoyed this project very much at the same time.

C3: Was Jupiter brought on-board the project due to its past experience with Nintendo’s handhelds? And were there any problems encountered whilst working with the DS hardware?

KH: We knew Jupiter was a very good developer for hand held titles and we respected them so much. Of course we believed that they would develop the best game for us. Spectrobes was their first DS title and first 3D game. So there were a lot of technical problems that they overcame.

C3: Have you been pleased with the success of the game in the US and Europe so far? How about Japan, though, where the game certainly did not seem to sell in great numbers?

KH: Yes, I have been very pleased with the success of the game. I agree with you Japanese sales result was a little bit disappointing, but our marketing team is still trying to sell more units in Japan. I hope Japanese sales units will go up soon.

C3: What are your thoughts people comparing Spectrobes to Pok

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god i hate this game u know it Disney try to be anime come on <)< any one can see it a copy of pokemon too

I agree, I dislike it for the same reasons, yuk. [LS]

Well, with over half a million sold worldwide, there's no doubt it'll pop up again in the near future. I'd reckon a DS sequel is pretty much a given...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I was thinking of giving this game a look whilst waiting for Pearl and Diamond. But then I imported Diamond. So I don't think I'll bother now. Smilie
Definately dislike the anime/Pokemon rip-off look though...

I'm not interested in it but I have to give them credit, it's somthin new and makes some interesting use of the DS's features.
Hopfully they will continue making new stuff instead of whoring there movie IP'sSmilie

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