Nintendo News | Majesco & Taito Team for Wii Exclusive

By Adam Riley 02.07.2007 2

Japan has already seen quite a large batch of strange little games slink onto the market and disappear as quickly as they appear. However, you would presume most would never be picked up for the West. Majesco, though, has other ideas.

Taito released 'Furu Furu Park' on Wii back in April of this year, and now the game is making it over to the US under its original name in time for Autumn 2007.

"Furu Furu Park's inventive use of the Wii Remote will have you spinning, shaking and rotating as you try to master classic arcade titles and unique new gameplay scenarios only possible on Nintendo's Wii system. Whether you're delivering sushi orders, punching asteroids or cracking a safe, all of the Park games are easy to pick up and play, and above all else, great casual fun."
- Majesco VP of marketing Ken Gold.

Features numerous minigames based on classic Taito properties, including Arkanoid, Bubble Bobble and Sonic Blastman, the game will also have several original ones thrown in, such as the baseball-themed 'Pinch Hitter', Wii-controller rotation game 'Safe Cracker' and a fighting minigame called 'Super Karate', each using the Wii motion sensors for rotating, tilting and other forms of movement manipulation.

To wrap up the package, the game will have three multiplayer modes on offer: 'Free Battle', 'Panel Attack' and 'Love Challenge', the latter having players "compete to win female affection."

Stick around for further updates...

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I wish they made a Bubble Bobble instead, in they same way Pac Man CE was made, tweaked retro, classic gameplay with a few new features. [LS]

Maybe this is just testing the waters for that sort of thing.

Though don't forget, Space Invaders Revolution was very much like Pac-Man CE, just without the time limit and "oi, somebody dosed me" trails. Taito may have decided that model of retro updates isn't for them.

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