Quick News: German magazine Maniac has gotten a scoop on upcoming THQ projects for Wii, including an exclusive game "De Blob" and a multiplatform sequel - Destroy all Humans 3. Thanks to NeoGAF's CubeRevolution for the scans.
[url=/media/2007/June/jb/thqng1.jpg]De Blob Scan[/url]
By Jorge Ba-oh 29.06.2007
Quick News: German magazine Maniac has gotten a scoop on upcoming THQ projects for Wii, including an exclusive game "De Blob" and a multiplatform sequel - Destroy all Humans 3. Thanks to NeoGAF's CubeRevolution for the scans.
I havent bought a THQ game since NO MERCY on the N64 (but that was when they were good)
Destroy all Humans!! That could be good.
There were no good THQ games since quite a while imho, Angus. I think you didn't do wrong.
Hey, a scan of a magazine here that I can read! No japanese, great! *grin*
I have enjoyed the previousDestroy All Humans, thought they were fun. Wonder how they will use the Wiimote for that game.
De Blob looks quite interesting. Shame there aren't any DaH3 Wii screens...
4) Fart
De Blob demo (English/Zip)
Does that need steam like the pollen sonata demo did?