Nintendo News | Aonuma: Wii won

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.06.2007 18

Zelda series director Eiji Aonuma recently went on board to comment on criticism that the Wii has the potential to alienate "hardcore", more traditional gamers.

It's because of gamers that games have come as far as they have... it's not Nintendo's intent to alienate those people... We think we can involve everyone

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He can be right: Watch SSBB and Corruption. These are hardcore games. But every other publisher goes down at Wii like a hawk to throw it into the mouth of only casual gamers and not both mouths. If they can prevent that, then I am convinced. But there's a possibility to be alienated. Not by Nintendo, but by third parties. I hope that doesn't happen.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

He can be right: Watch SSBB and Corruption. These are hardcore games.

Well sortof.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I hope they won't. Now, about European release dates and how they're getting worse like when Animal Crossing came out here...

I hope it's true. These days more & more games are aimed at the casual gamers.

I'm hoping the Wii gets some good games in for proper gamers. I don't really doubt Nintendo, they've always given Nintendo fans what they want.

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Casual and hardcore gaming are buzzwords..

A game is a game..

LLsmooth said:
Casual and hardcore gaming are buzzwords..A game is a game..

No, it's not.

Wii sports is a casual game. Wii sports is the quintessential casual game.

You pick it up for 30 mins or so, and then you put it back down again. It's not really for dedicated gamers, which the most of us are.

The Metroid series by nature is a hardcore game, you have to be incredibly involved to get the most out of it.

As Laurelin Said...

Laurelin said:
But theres a possibility to be alienated. Not by Nintendo, but by third parties. I hope that doesn't happen.

Games companies want cash cows. They want games that they can churn out for

Personaly, I think its misslabeling hardcore to think theres even a question.

Hardcore gamers are ones that *love* stuff like Koropina and Murcury.
Hardcore gamers are the ones that, while dispising most minigames, are perfectly willing to try new bezire concepts.
For a hardcore gamer, a good game is a good game, whatever package it comes in.

At the moment the Wii has few truely great games.
But then, so did the DS at this time in its like.
And well, the PS3 has a pretty dire line up autogether untill 2008.

If people are wondering where the ""big"" games are.
The games like Twlight Princess ect.
They are on their way.
But games like that take 2-3 years at least to make.
Thats way we get lots of cheap ps2 ports in the first year.

Trust me, the Wii will get expoentialy better.
Hardcores and Casuals alike will be pleased.

The only people Nintendo might frighten away are the ""mainstream gamer"".
The sort that value graphics over substance, and are scared to try new things or brands.

They are certainly not to be confused with the hardcore Smilie

"3rd party have found the casual gamer to be the more profitably market, and so have decided to chase that like a dog after a Chevrolet."

They *think* its the most profitable market.
And it may be, but its yet to be tested.
I think most of these "made in three months" games churned out blindly are going to sale horribly.

Brain Training and WiiSports might be "casual" and be cheaper to make but that dosnt mean it takes no skill to make games that well.

Also, a lot of casual games I dont think will be repeat buisness. I dont see causal gamers buying cheap sequals.
The Fifa logic dosnt work with Casuals as it does Mainstreme gamers.

Also, I dont think theres anything to worry about anyway.
If casual games are cheap to make and turn a profit easily, then thats more money for the publishers, which means more investment in more projects.

I mean, I'm sure "Brain Training" has resulted in more funds for other Nintendo projects then it has taken.

More gamers = more money in the system = better for everyone.

We just have to get past this little "band wagon jumping on" phase.

( Edited on 28.06.2007 18:48 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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The Wii will not alien the hardcore gamer within it's life I think, simply because it cannot afford to do so. I am confident that the offerings that third parties will give Wii owners next year will be of a quality that will surprise and please many, and even surpass expectations. I think any doubters should realise that Nintendo have done their part, they have given developers a platform to explore their creativity and to also develop at relatively cheap cost. This year has been of course a great year for Nintendo *stares at EDGE Magazines cover* Smilie, but on the flip side there have been a few niggling issues that need to be ironed out. On the subject of third parties, they have got them onboard which is of course vital, and they have done it in a great way also I think. The problem for me this year has been ports and test games, but on the positive note the ports are running dry, and these developers are still making money in the end to redirect I hope back into fully fledged Wii games that will be akin to the hardcore gamers heart. With the Wii I myself feel it has the same spirit as the NES, I know Nintendo Jp see it that way also. If that is the case, then that humble little white box has got a whole lot of fight in it. [LS]

At the end of the year we will all be looking back in hindsight thinking wow, that was some year, partly because those three games are going to magical*. And then into next year we will see a flood of great games also. No doubt Nintendo have a few surprises in store for us at this years E3. The possible games in question have the ability to spark a ridiculous amount of hardware sales worldwide, and will also establish Nintendo's foot in online gaming also. I have a lot of faith in Nintendo to continue to progress as they are. Nintendo are a amazing company when you think about it, the third most profitable company in japan but also the most humble. 2000 employees and a tiny building, absolutely tiny in comparison to Panasonics and Sony's in Shinjuku. It's a minor miracle what Nintendo have managed to do in this year. [LS]

Gaming is not exclusive to people who spend 8 hours a day playing them. I dont consider these people "hardcore". I call them "jobless".

I have been playing video games for about 20 years and I play games when I have time. I play anything that is fun.

Labeling gamers and hardcore and casual is ignorant.

I know people who play Wii sports everyday.. Does that make them a hardcore casual gamer?

I know people who play Halo for about an hour every week. Does that make them casual hardcore gamer?

See.. it makes no sense. Games are games.. Look at the success of Diner Dash.. People play it like crazy.. but I guess it is a "casual" game because it is a simple game.. right?

There is no such thing as hardcore and casual. There are games, and there is shovelware.

Wii Sports is a simple game

Warioware is a minigame collection

Tetris is a simple puzzle game

Oblivion is a complex RPG game

Bejewelled is simple puzzle game

Sega Rally is an arcade racing game

Holiday Bonus is shovelware trash

Carnival Games is shovelware trash

FF7 is shovelware trash Smilie

( Edited on 28.06.2007 20:10 by Grumbler )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

It's not ignorant. It's not hard to understand the difference. A hardcore gamer cares about the games they play. They visit forums like this to discuss them. Casual gamers play games purely for a bit of fun.

To me, 'hardcore gamer' suggests people who go to LAN events to play competitive Counter-strike.

I'm an 'enthusiast'*. I'm not even in a clan.


( Edited on 28.06.2007 20:19 by Grumbler )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

knighty said:
Its not ignorant. Its not hard to understand the difference. A hardcore gamer cares about the games they play. They visit forums like this to discuss them. Casual gamers play games purely for a bit of fun.

Don't we all play games for fun? Anyone will play a good game, a fun game, it just depends on that individual game, and partially on what they find fun. We only come here because we have a particular interest/hobby, and too much spare time on our hands.

Grumbler is probably right. Enthusiast is probably a better term.

Sure seems like they're not focusing on us...

Wii sports is a casual game. Wii sports is the quintessential casual game.

You pick it up for 30 mins or so, and then you put it back down again. It's not really for dedicated gamers, which the most of us are.

I disagree. Wii Sports is one of those games where you get out of it what you put in - if you want to put in 10 minutes, sure, you get a nice quick game, but if you play it for longer you notice more intricities. I've had single games in tennis go on for half an hour on higher levels. It works on a casual level, but it also works on a 'hardcore' level.

Games are games, if they're fun then that's all I need to know.

Well admittedly Wii has somewhat alienated the non-casual gamers (hardcore and game enthusiasts). If I am to buy a Wii, I need to make sure I will get more proper games than just Smash Bros and Metroid.

I think the tradition definition of 'hardcore' or 'casual' comes down to whether or not you know anything about a game you get before you walk into the shop. If you see a pretty looking box art and take the game up to the counter you should probably be shot on sight...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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