Nintendo Speculation | GTA Wii, Virtual Console Expansion, New Zelda & More...

By Adam Riley 25.06.2007 34

With the new-look E3 event now taking place in July, people are building up to the show with their predictions as to what may happen or what will be on offer from various companies. One such site that has aired its thought is Gaming Target, and some of its ideas can be seen below:

  • We will finally learn of firm release dates for Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Mario Galaxy;
  • Sonic will finally be confirmed as a secret character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl;
  • Nintendo will announce Mario Kart & show Animal Crossing Wii;
  • Midway will unveil a secret Mortal Kombat project;
  • The popular TV series Heroes will be transformed into a videogame to cash-in on the immense success of the show;
  • Nintendo will expand the Virtual Console service, either by announcing when the MSX and NeoGeo will be added, or when new download content will arrive;
  • Take-Two will uncover a wide array of support for Wii, which will include its sports range and a Grand Theft Auto compendium that comes with Wii controls added to the gameplay;
  • A new Wii Zelda will be 'whispered' about;
  • We will get to see the first in-game screenshots of Nibris' Sadness for Wii.
Be sure to read the full article here.

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Oh for fuck's sake... Smilie

They really had to go & make all those rumours. They've got my expectations up, especially about Sonic. Fuck Smilie

Also, did Rockstar change their name to TakeTwo or something? or are they diff companies? Smilie

As soon as I read Sonic would be revealed, a part in me just announced "This whole thing is bullshit" Smilie

It hate to say it, but that's what I think...

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For one, the VC service was never meant for new content, even hudson rather strongly suggested so. If original content is going to be put up (which it apparently is, along with XBLA like updates of old games - see rumor reporter), it's going to be an entirely new channel.

I swear sonic won't be announced, it just seems like people dreaming too much...

more random rumours.

Zelda will be "whispered about" ?

So this is a rumour about a rumour Smilie Smilie

Personaly, I hope for no sign of Zelda for another year at least.

Twlight Princess is enough of a glory to ride on.
It would be overkill to show anything from a zelda now.

Of course though, they should be developing concepts in secret and putting the ones on one side that work.
Heres hoping for sword-based gameplay mechcanics, purhapes being used for carving rune spells too Smilie
Also I want some sort of underground creature you can ride :p
(well, we have had air, land and sea already :p) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Nah it won't be a new channel, besides it isn't called the VC channel it's the shop channel and theres a Wii Software area remember? So all they really need to do is expand that area of the channel.

Blade2t3 said:
Nah it wont be a new channel, besides it isnt called the VC channel its the shop channel and theres a Wii Software area remember? So all they really need to do is expand that area of the channel.

It's the VC service inside the shop channel then. It would make more sense to make a new channel out of it rather than stick them in the wii software part, considering that's where opera is.

jesusraz said:
We will finally learn of firm release dates for Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Mario Galaxy


jesusraz said:
Sonic will finally be confirmed as a secret character in Super Smash Bros.


jesusraz said:
Nintendo will announce Mario Kart & show Animal Crossing Wii


jesusraz said:
Midway will unveil a secret Mortal Kombat project

Couldn't care.

jesusraz said:
The popular TV series Heroes will be transformed into a videogame to cash-in on the immense success of the show


jesusraz said:
Nintendo will expand the Virtual Console service, either by announcing when the MSX and NeoGeo will be added, or when new download content will arrive

Half hearted yeah.

jesusraz said:
Take-Two will uncover a wide array of support for Wii, which will include its sports range and a Grand Theft Auto compendium that comes with Wii controls added to the gameplay


jesusraz said:
A new Wii Zelda will be whispered about


jesusraz said:
We will get to see the first in-game screenshots of Nibris Sadness for Wii.


( Edited on 25.06.2007 02:05 by Co Chief Resident John Dorian )

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Doubt will get any of that...

Did I miss something? People keep talking and talking about Sonic being a secret character on Super Smash Brothers, but I've never seen any real news of any of the creators or anyone hinting about the possibility of that.

If Sonic is in Super Smash Brothers it's going to take away the only exciting feature of Mario and Sonic at the Olympics. I just don't see why people think that it's going to happen. Who knows, maybe I'll be eating my words soon..

however.. other news is that BioWare is going to develop the Sonic RPG for Nintendo DS. That's amazing, anyone agreed?

I reckon most of that will come true, but that's because it's been on the cards for some while. Some are dodgy though like the Zelda one and Nibris one, but I would like to be surprised certainly by the Nibris one which could be very important for the Wii. [LS]

( Edited on 25.06.2007 07:32 by Linkyshinks )

Man if this actually happens then Nintendo is seriously going to own E3 again. Those are going to be some pretty big announcements.

Ha its so funny when these come up. Its every single fanboys wet dream, and to have every single one be announced is just plain silly to expect. Honestly I dont get people that make this stuff up.

Realistically, most of the things mentioned will or at least SHOULD be announced. We all know that there is a Mario Kart in development as well as Animal Crossing. Release dates for SSBB and SMG will be a must. Though Sonic being announced for SSBB is still a fan's dream.

Yeah, my dream.Smilie

out of all of it there is two things that i hope to see at E3 and thats Sonic in super smash bros brawl and finally some in game stuff for sadness as i can't wait for that game

Personally I don't have very high hopes for Sadness. But...well, who knows.

snkngshps said:
Did I miss something? People keep talking and talking about Sonic being a secret character on Super Smash Brothers, but Ive never seen any real news of any of the creators or anyone hinting about the possibility of that. If Sonic is in Super Smash Brothers its going to take away the only exciting feature of Mario and Sonic at the Olympics. I just dont see why people think that its going to happen. Who knows, maybe Ill be eating my words soon..
Even though I know Sonic won't be revealed for it... it's a dream, & I want to argue for Sonic's case to be in it.

Sonic & Mario at the Olympic games will be Sonic & Mario's first game as true rivals, it's just them, & characters from their worlds, they can have the competition as they please, however in Brawl there will be competition from a dozen or so different worlds. Also it's not likely that a 4 player brawl will have special interactions between characters with a rivalry or friendship like there is in some fighting games & racing games, but in Mario & Sonic there is a chance of that happening. Though either Mario or Sonic would be given more or less voice acting in order to match the other character, so they don't look stupid. Sonic will likely have his voice practically taken away from him in order to make him & Mario look more stupid Smilie

Because Mario is a mute, & Sonic is a chatter box. Some rivals eh?

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Complete opposites. You'd be hard-pressed to find better potential rivals, or a better venue admittedly.

"Nintendo will expand the Virtual Console service, either by announcing when the MSX and NeoGeo will be added, or when new download content will arrive."

They had better sort out the memory issues also by confirming a HD release date. Those, well NEOGEO games are large in capacity. I really hope we will hear something on the the "New Classics" at this E3. [LS]

I hope we hear something on those classic titles being translated for europe. I'm dying to give earthbound a try.Smilie

Did anyone answer my question about Rockstar? Does Rockstar = Take Two or are they different companies!?

Is Take Two Rockstar's second chance? Smilie

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Take-two publish, Rockstar Develop.

At least I think so. Try wikipedia.

Edit: Think I misunderstood the question

( Edited on 25.06.2007 12:45 by Darkspine S )

SuperLink said:
Did anyone answer my question about Rockstar? Does Rockstar = Take Two or are they different companies!?Is Take Two Rockstars second chance? Smilie

Rockstar is a subsidiary of Take Two, in other words Take Two own them. [LS]

( Edited on 25.06.2007 12:44 by Linkyshinks )

Linkyshinks said:
Rockstar is a subsidiary of Take Two, in other words Take Two own them. [LS]
That clears things up, thanks. Smilie

So Take Two get the final say I guess. Ah well, if a GTA comes to Wii then good for them. I won't be getting it though :-/

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Even if its a wii-exclusive version?

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