Nintendo Wii News | Magical Melody Will NOT Include Wi-Fi!

By Adam Riley 20.06.2007 11

Update - Rising Star Games has this morning contacted Cubed3 to confirm that the Wi-Fi logo on the Harvest Moon: Magical Melody box art was simply an oversight, and that the game will not have new online elements added to it for the Wii release in September of this year.

Disappointing news? Share your thoughts below...

Original Story - Eagle-eyed reader topbanana has noticed that Rising Star Games has updated its Harvest Moon: Magical Melody page to include the new Wii box art, which comes complete with the Wi-Fi logo on it as well!

What aspects could be online? Share your thoughts below and stay tuned for more...

Box art for Harvest Moon: Magical Melody



Rising Star





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Bout time this game got online. Smilie

Hoping for something along the lines of AC, that would be great.

The mind boggles! :3

So, what about the other regions? Will they feel left out for a Harvest Moon game? For once?!

I mean... Japan, jealous of a European HM game. It's like saying Halo 3 is a Wii exclusive.

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Online economy type features are the only way they can get me back into Harvest Moon. They won't be here though (I've played it on GC). I expect it will be something like in Animal Crossing DS at most. Magical Melody is basically just a revenge rip off of Animal Crossing, after Animal Crossing ripped off Harvest moon quite a bit.

( Edited on 18.06.2007 12:24 by Grumbler )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

hmmm could a re-release be planned for the game in other regions?

Grumbler said:
Magical Melody is basically just a revenge rip off of Animal Crossing, after Animal Crossing ripped off Harvest moon quite a bit.

I like that idea.
"We can rip you off better then you ripped us off."

Id hope that the online play would work like those vegetable competitions. See who can grow the biggest carrot or greenest cucumber.

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There is a listing in IGN for Harvest Moon Online!!!!! interesting!!

Grumbler said:
Online economy type features are the only way they can get me back into Harvest Moon.

Would be the only way to get me to buy another Harvest Moon title as well.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

I'm more interested if MySims is online or not. God it would be so stupid if it wasn't...

Actually, the news was given by Wiitalia one day ago and Gonintendo did report it. Smilie

( Edited on 20.06.2007 11:03 by Psy )

No online? Poo.

Ah well, I wasn't expecting it anyway. Why would they give EU fans the better deal Smilie

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